Translated By DeepL

Katsutoshi Nishimoto Series. Los Upson? Talks with Keiji Yamabe about music, art, and parties.

Katsutoshi Nishimoto Series. Los Upson? Talks with Keiji Yamabe about music, art, and parties.

This is a Series project by Katsutoshi Nishimoto, the owner of "NISHIMOTO IS THE MOUTH". This time, the guest is Keiji Yamabe, owner of Los Apson, a record store in Koenji, who himself has been greatly influenced by Nishimoto's attitude as well as his music. The guest this time is Keiji Yamabe, the owner of Los Apson™, a record shop in Koenji that has greatly influenced Nishimoto's music and attitude. Mr. Yamabe, who is running the store that will soon celebrate its 30th anniversary, had many simple but meaningful words to say. Mr. Nishimoto talks about the store, music, parties, art, Yamabe's personal life, and many other topics.

It is more interesting to add some settings and play with it than to simply leave it as it is.

Nishimoto:Do you have a record store that you usually go to?

Mountainside:I sometimes buy from "Black Cat" (formerly "Disc") in my neighborhood, and sometimes from mail order. Sheyeye Records" in Niigata, for example.

Nishimoto:How about "ART INTO LIFE" in Tochigi? Is it run by a noise lover?

Mountainside:I think the owner was originally more hip-hop oriented. But I like the avant-garde music you're proposing.

Nishimoto:However, it was Rossup that laid the foundation for me.

Mountainside:There's everything!

Nishimoto:There is punk and hardcore, ethnic music, techno and house. You see Yamabe's drawings on the record dividers. I like that too. It has a unique atmosphere.

Mountainside:I packed a lot of things into a small space, and this is what I got. However, the influence of childhood is still huge. Unless I give up on it, it will remain in me forever.

Nishimoto:Do you still listen to music all the time?

Mountainside:That's right. I feel like all kinds of music is coming in. It's like the things I don't like are disappearing.

Nishimoto:Was there any music you didn't like?

Mountainside:I listen to songs now, but I never used to listen to songs at all.

I wonder if we can listen to the music in a different way after going through various things.

Mountainside:That may be so. There may be a sense that you are listening from some foreigner's point of view. An exotic point of view, perhaps.

Nishimoto:When you listen to black metal music from a different angle, it suddenly sounds like enka, doesn't it?


Nishimoto:It's a great change in interpretation.

Mountainside:So yes, it changes totally. I think I'm exploring that area. It's like digging up music you didn't listen to in the past and re-examining it.

Nishimoto:That's interesting. Your hobbies include music and art, of course, but do you have other interests? For example..., let's see... horse racing?

Mountainside:Horse racing! I don't do that! I used to drink sake and paste the label in a notebook. I would write down my impressions (laughs). (Laughs) When I get into something, I do that kind of thing. I also got hooked on tenugui (hand towels), and once a store in Nishi-Shinjuku was covered in them. I became very interested in the interesting aspects of Edo culture.

Nishimoto:When you get into it, you focus on one thing. Sukeshin of C.E. is like that. The way he gets hooked is amazing. I have heard that even if he has never been to a place, he imagines himself there and designs clothes based on the inspiration he gets from there. You are similar to Mr. Yamabe, aren't you?

Mountainside:I love fantasies, don't you? In this day and age, it is very difficult to move around, isn't it? That's why I think it's very important to be delusional, and HI-TECK SQUAT RAVER! HI-TECK SQUAT RAVER! is also born from my fantasy.

HI-TECK SQUAT RAVER! is the mix series you have been releasing on "Los Upson?

Nishimoto:It would be interesting to play at an after-party after a party in Hawaii, for example.

Mountainside:It's easier to get an idea of what it's like when you listen to it after knowing the setting. It's like a delusional proposal, isn't it (laughs)?

Nishimoto:Yes, it is. I think the music is cool, including that. I also like the POP that Mr. Yamabe writes, and I respond to it with bewilderment.

Mountainside:I think about who might want something like this, and I try to buy it or make it myself. Not all of them, but the minorities are passionate about something. That is what keeps me going. Just selling is boring. I think it would be more interesting to add a bit of setting to the product and play with it, rather than just keeping the spirit of the product as is.

Nishimoto:When I look at Mr. Yamabe, I get the feeling that he is always playing.

Mountainside:Because I still want to play.

Nishimoto:There is something childlike about it, and I really admire that kind of thing. Will you continue to do art in the future?

Mountainside:Yes, I will continue to do so. I think it would be good to re-edit a work I made a long time ago to suit my current mood.

Nishimoto:Do you want to live longer?

Mountainside:I haven't really thought about it. Do you want to, Nishimoto-kun?

Nishimoto:I hope to live to be 50 years old. I am 43 now, so I have a little more time left (laughs). (Laughs.) I am having fun right now. Music is a part of that.

Mountainside:It's hard to get around in Corona, but you're glad you have music.

Nishimoto:It's amazing how calming or uplifting music can be.

Mountainside:There is something that works on the mind. I think the ear is quicker than the eye to make me feel mellow.

Nishimoto:Harsh noise is also often thought of as a noisy sound, but it helps me sleep.

Mountainside:Yes, yes, there is a sense of being wrapped up in a certain way. As we were talking about earlier, the way you listen is important. It can become interesting in any way.



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