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What does Half Ten Canterbury bring to us?
Change The Game

What does Half Ten Canterbury bring to us?

The "halfTen Canterbury" brand, launched last year, showed the world how fashion and sports are inextricably linked these days. However, the hidden potential of this brand remains to be seen. What kind of vision did Takayuki Fujii, who has been pursuing functional design through his brand "non-native," have in mind when he joined this project derived from a famous rugby wear brand? In response to this question, Mr. Fujii requested a conversation with Ryohei Yamanaka, a professional rugby player who is now making a name for himself as one of Japan's top players. If you listen to the words of these two men, who are at the forefront of different fields, with a spirit of "no side," you will surely get a full picture of what "Halften Canterbury" is all about.

. I think that if we could look good in everyday clothes, the Japanese national team would be seen differently. (Yamanaka)

Fujii:As for clothing other than uniforms, for example, the bench coat I mentioned earlier, if it is cool, you can go home without changing it. That's what the name "half-ten" means. I wanted to be able to wear the same outfit in all scenes.

In the mountains:It would be nice if that would happen.

Fujii:Yes, I thought it would be easier if that changed. It is a hassle to get dressed up after every match, isn't it?

In the mountains:Yes . For the match against France, all the players wore suits to the game. I thought it was cool when I saw the pictures later, but I think the Japanese national team would look different if they were more stylish in their everyday clothes.

Do the clothes you brought today have the same size as Yamanaka's?

Fujii:Yes, I'm a 4, which would be a 2XL.

In the mountains:It's soft and nice , this fabric.

Fujii:. It is stretchy and the surface that touches the skin is exposed. . The feature is that it is a long T, but the cuffs and other parts are made like a shirt, so it looks a little crisp.

In the mountains:It looks cool when worn up or down. So this is the logo of "Half Ten Canterbury"?

Fujii:Yes, that's right. Canterbury's rugger shirts always have a three-stitch reinforcement called a "three-bar tuck. . The print is a special print that is also used on the uniforms. The print is a special one that is also used on the uniforms, and one of the features is that "Canterbury" is not printed anywhere on it (laughs).

In the mountains:Can I try it on?

Fujii:By all means.

In the mountains:Oh! It's nice. It's easy to move around.

The size seems to be just right.

In the mountains:Pants are often tight when I sit down, but these are stretchy, so I don't mind at all. They are quite comfortable.

Fujii:The darts on the knees also make it easier to move around. I think they go well with the New Balance sneakers you are wearing today.

They also go well with this kind of hyped-up footwear. I feel this is typical of Mr. Fujii, who also has an affinity with street brands.

Fujii:I have been exposed to such things for a long time. By the way, I went to see the France game the other night with Jonio (Jun Takahashi) of Undercover, and that was the first time I learned that he likes rugby.

In the mountains:Wow! By the way, I went to a Moncler event after the World Cup, and Hiroshi Fujiwara was there and took a picture with me, and when we talked, he told me that he used to play rugby. I was surprised.

Fujii:Eh! In your teens or something? But then again, there are actually a lot of rugby fans in the fashion industry.

In the mountains:I would be happy if that were the case.

. I think we are talking about different industries in which we have mutual interests, so there is a lot of fresh information to be found here.

Fujii:. I've always had the sense that I want people who love fashion but are into different things to wear it, rather than people in the fashion industry.

In the mountains:I see.

Fujii:In the past, I used to have a strong feeling of "what I want to wear! Some people say, "There is a culture behind it," but I now believe that it is better if the people who wear the clothes create the culture.

In the mountains:I am very happy to be approached by such a person. It is rare to have such an opportunity to hear such stories, and I felt that making clothes is a very deep field.

I think the link between Mr. Fujii and rugby will become stronger in the future.

Fujii:Yes, that's right. Next year is the World Cup, so I've been thinking about how to set up a show at Halften Canterbury for that. I also want to go to France (laughs).

In the mountains:(Laughs) . We will have another national team competition in the fall, and the competition is fierce, but of course I want to make it to the World Cup next year, so I have to do my best. The young players are growing and becoming a good team, so please keep your eyes on us.

Fujii:I am looking forward to it! Please wear the new one , when it's ready.

In the mountains:Thank you very much!

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