Back Alley Teen. 75, Hanon, 18 years old.

Back Alley Teen. 75, Hanon, 18 years old.

Back Alley Teen" is an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on young artists with a bright talent. The 75th artist to appear is Hanon, who is active in a wide range of commercials, dramas, and movies. She reveals a soft and warm smile hidden inside her cool face.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair and makeup: Yoko Fuseya (ESPER)

(Tete Tokyo)Top ¥25,300, Skirt ¥93,500 (both in Japan)Teat Tokyo)

(Recall) Polo shirt ¥21,780, Non Tokyo skirt (both Esteem Press 03-5428-0928)


first day of the rat of the New Year (the first day of the rat of the New Year)

Born on September 24, 2003 in Gifu Prefecture, she made her debut as an actress in the drama "Kikite kudasai, it's the last song" in 2022, and was selected as the image character of Kawaijuku in the summer of LUMINE 2022. She also appeared in the movie "From dawn to midday at seaThe film will open at Theatre Shinjuku (Tokyo) on September 19 (Mon.), 20 (Tue.) and 21 (Wed.) and at Cine Libre Umeda (Osaka) on October 20 (Thu.).
Instagram: @24_hanon
TikTok: at24_hanon

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