Translated By DeepL

A Glass of Champagne in the Night or in the Room by Susumu Shibukawa. vol.01 Kagami, what do you think of Shibukawa? (Part 2)
Midnight Sunglasses at The Room

A glass of champagne at night or in your room by Susumu Shibukawa. vol.01
Mr. Kagami, what do you think of Shibukawa? (Part 2)

SEPARATE BATH & TOILET," an unidentified brand, suddenly appeared this spring. Susumu Shibukawa, the new creative director of SEPARATE BATH & TOILET, will begin a series of articles on the brand. The first installment of this memorable project is a dialogue. Who is Mr. Shibukawa? We invited Ken Kagami, a well-known contemporary artist from HOUYHNHNM's, to answer this question and reveal his true identity.
."For the first part, click here."
."For the middle part, click here."


Susumu Shibukawa
SEPARATE BATH & TOILET Creative Director

Age unknown, profile undisclosed.
Favorite food: bread
Favorite animal: capypara
Mouthful: "That's nice."


Ken Kagami
Contemporary Artists

Born in 1974. Born in Tokyo. He has released drawings, sculptures, and other works, and has participated in numerous art exhibitions both in Japan and abroad. He also actively collaborates with apparel brands, and his own "Strange Store (stranges.exblog.jp)" in Daikanyama offers T-shirts and other goods of his own creation.

Shibukawa , because I don't drink alcohol.

Do you feel that you have anything in common with each other?

Shibukawa: Kagami-san, you have a gimpy back, right? Shibukawa: Yes, too. I did it.

Kagami: I have recently been cured. So we don't have anything in common.

I see that you don't think in terms of ideas or anything like that.

Shibukawa: But , if you go out for a drink, you will get to know each other.

Kagami: Mr. Shibukawa, are you a strong drinker?

Shibukawa: I cannot drink a drop. If I drink it, I will be taken away in an ambulance.

Kagami: Then you can't go out for a drink!

Shibukawa: So I don't invite people from Shibukawa. . If Kagami-san invites me, I will go.

Kagami: I won't invite you because I don't want to call an ambulance!

Do you have any questions for each other?

Shibukawa: Kagami, what do you do on your days off?

Kagami: . I spend time with my family. What do you do, Mr. Shibukawa?

Shibukawa: I'm visiting cafes. Shibukawa , because I can't drink alcohol.

Where do you often go?

Shibukawa: It's Jiyugaoka. After that, I go window shopping. That's how I keep up with the current trends.

Do you have any questions for Mr. Shibukawa?

Kagami: Do you have a girlfriend?

Shibukawa: .........No..........

Kagami: . it's a shame.

Shibukawa: I was there until last year . . but it disappeared spontaneously.

Kagami: But, Mr. Shibukawa, I heard from the person in charge at Sepabus that you are kind to animals.

Shibukawa: I've never killed a bug or anything. The truth is, I'm just afraid of bugs.

Kagami: I heard a crow perched on your hair?

Shibukawa: Mistaken for a nest. But Shibukawa, you didn't pay it off with your hand. I just caught the crow with both hands and let it down. Then, he said, "Caw! He said, "Caw!



Instagram: @sepabath_official

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