Camping and Pottering. What are the essentials for enjoying Lake Yamanaka in winter?
Bicycle x Camp With Jackery

Camping and Pottering. What are the essentials for enjoying Lake Yamanaka in winter?

Spending a relaxing time camping in nature is pleasant, but it would be a waste to make it the sole purpose of your camping trip. Why not add an activity to increase your satisfaction? We propose this time, pottering around on a bicycle. You can ride at your own pace, feeling the wind in your face, and stop as you please, so you can enjoy the area around the campsite to the fullest. We enjoyed a comfortable camping ride with Jackery, a portable power supply.

We went to Lake Yamanakako to enjoy camping x biking.

Speaking of camping x biking, bikepacking is a popular way of camping while touring with gear on a bicycle. It has the appeal of carefully selecting luggage and riding long distances, but it is quite difficult to drive from the city to the campsite on your own. Since we wanted to enjoy camping as well, the three of us here made a plan to put our bicycles in the car and go to the campsite, and then enjoy cycling from there.


Nobuki Masuda (right)
PWA Designer

He is the creator of PWA, a label that debuted in 2020 that offers everyday clothing for the unusual, the extreme, and the independent. He enjoys biking and camping. He has purchased a solo tent and is considering backpacking in the future.

Yuta Kimura (middle)

He runs a cycle store "WOOD VILLAGE CYCLES" with a store in Hatagaya. They deal in used frames and parts, and assemble one old-style bike for you. He usually enjoys bicycle x camping, either by carrying his bicycle on board, as in this case, or by bikepacking on his own.

Makoto Tanida (left)

She is in charge of buying and selling vintage clothing at "Under the Sun," a hair salon and vintage clothing store in the Mishuku area. In addition to biking and camping, he also likes cameras, and has used photos he took in the U.S. on a buying trip for the store's original apparel. This is the first time for him to combine bicycling and camping.

The three of us headed for "the 508" at Lake Yamanaka. There are sites both by the lake and in the woods, giving us a choice of two different landscapes. Upon arrival, we immediately set up our sites.

After setting up, we decided to settle down with a cup of coffee for now. Mr. Masuda brought a specialty coffee from Honduras that he bought at Sey Coffee, a coffee stand in New York. Mr. Tanida boils the water in a "Jacquerie" and brews the coffee using a French press.

Tanida: Today, I used a French press because there were many people. You can enjoy a different taste from paper drip. The electric kettle boils water quickly. Gas cans lose their heat when it is cold, and you have to be careful about the wind. I want to drink coffee as soon as possible, so it is very helpful.

Masuda, who had consumed his phone's battery in the car on the road, also used "Jacquerie" to charge his phone.

Masuda: I was working on my computer while tethering in the car and my phone battery was running low. It is nice to be able to recharge the battery.

After taking a break, I put the front wheel of the bicycle back together, which had been removed for on-board use, and prepared for pottering. As expected of Mr. Kimura. He quickly and efficiently put the front wheel on the bike, and it was done in no time at all. While we were on our pottering trip, we connected a solar panel to Jacquerie to store electricity generated by solar power.Jackery SolarSaga 80.can generate power from both the front and back sides, increasing power generation efficiency by 25% over previous products. With the use of an adapter, up to three solar panels can be connected in parallel.

Now it's time to go! Lake Yamanakako is the third highest lake in Japan, located at an elevation of approximately 1,000 meters. The air is clean, and just driving around the lake gives you a different feeling from driving in the city. This is the season when you can feel the chill on your skin. Fuji covered with snow is beautiful, and riding while enjoying the scenery is the best!

On the way, we will take a break by the lake. Each person takes a photo to preserve memories.

Kimura: After all, running in nature feels great. I put more energy into the pedals than usual.

Masuda: Fuji is beautiful. I didn't use my film camera much, but I'm glad I brought it.

Tanida: This is my first time riding along the lake. It's a little cold, but just right for a bike ride.

Trail riding is also something that cannot be enjoyed in urban areas. Riding on undulating surfaces and down hills is exciting and exhilarating. Even if you fall down, you can't help but smile.


Jacquerie Japan

Instagram: @jackeryjapan/

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