Back Alley Teen. 77, Kokoro Hirasawa, 15 years old.

Back Alley Teen. 77, Kokoro Hirasawa, 15 years old.

Back Alley Teen," an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on young artists with a bright talent. The 77th artist is Kokoro Hirasawa. She has been selected for a number of high-profile productions, and we captured her pure, innocent, and unadorned expression.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair & Make-up: Minori Yabu

Argyle vest ¥85,800 (Esteem Press 03-5428-0928), shoes ¥16,500 (Maison Maverick Presents)'s personal effects), and other personal items

All stylist's personal belongings


Kokoro Hirasawa
Hirasawa Kokoro

Born on September 21, 2007. 15 years old. Born in Tokyo. She has appeared in the dramas "Watashi Husband wo Shareita", "Urayasu Tekisuji Kazoku", "Yuru Canpaku 2", "All the Houses in the Boring Residential Area", and the films "Flight Over Water" and "Change". She made her voice acting debut as the lead character, Arya, in Studio Ghibli's first 3DCG film "Arya and the Witch", which she won in an audition. The latest film directed by Kazuya Shiraishi as the heroine Aoi Izumi.Kamen Rider BLACK SUN" is now available worldwide on Prime video.The following is a list of the most common problems with the
Official Twitter: @Kokoro_Hirasawa

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