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Korobure Techo - Keiji Kaneko's Fashion Memorandum - Buying Diary for Summer 2022, Vol. 2: France

The Fashion Memorandum of Keiji Kaneko
Buying Diary for Summer 2022, Part 2: France

Fashion director Keiji Kaneko has been leading the fashion scene in recent years, both in name and reality. HOUYHNHNM's has started a new series of articles, "Kofuku Buretecho," in which we follow his every move. The first article is a complete record of buying abroad for the first time in a long time this summer. The second installment is about France, the land of esprit. Just looking at the photos makes you want to go on a trip.

  • Photo_Keiji Kaneko
  • Text_Yuichiro Tsuji
  • Edit_Ryo Komuta

I want young people to see the appeal of tailored clothing.

This person is very sexy and fashionable.

Kaneko:This is HUSBANDS PARIS, a brand of souching. Young kids admire him and work for this brand. It's like wearing a suit with a casual T-shirt, and it's a suit brand that sells well to young people, not to mention adults. I thought, "I haven't heard of anything like that recently. It was very stylish.

Kaneko-san, along with Motofumi Ogi and Hideaki Miyahara of "Scye," also participated in the "Scye" project.the gentelman in the parlourYou are the owner of a suit label called

Kaneko:That's right. The underlying theme of "THE GENTELMAN IN THE PARLOUR" was to have young people discover the appeal of tailoring. When I came to Paris, I really felt the potential of this brand. Street boys were also attracted to the brand's uncles, and they were all wearing suits.

This is BERNARD ZINS, a well-known brand in the "reshop" section.

Kaneko:I am currently working on a project called "00 Paris" with a certain pants brand. This is one of the biggest collaborations of my trip. The designer was supposed to be there, but unfortunately he couldn't make it, so I joined the meeting via ZOOM.

Kaneko:This person is the president of the brand. I planned this project because I thought it would be unique if a pants brand made pants with a pants brand. I don't know what direction it will take yet, but it is being planned to rave reviews.

Is this woman one of the people you wanted to meet?

Kaneko:This is Maria from MARIA RUDMAN. MARIA RUDMAN is a brand of accessories made by the Sami tribe of Finland, and we used to carry them at EDIFITH once upon a time. I think I was the first to carry it among men's wear in Japan (laughs).

Kaneko:I hadn't heard from him for about 17 years, but this time the theme was "people," so I made an appointment with him again and we got to talking about the old days. The belt on the wall was made by me a long time ago, and I was deeply moved to see it on display after meeting him for a long time.

Is Maria making it all by herself?

Kaneko:Maria is a designer, and Sami people in Finland make the items. However, the number of craftsmen there is decreasing due to the aging of the workforce. As many of you have probably seen in the store, the number of detailed orders has increased, and it seems that they have become unmanageable. So they are now collaborating only with people they know. I was able to take advantage of this. I ordered the reindeer fur bag and the pouch she is wearing.

So that's about it for Paris.

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