Translated By DeepL

Katsutoshi Nishimoto makes a great prediction for the year 2023! Five Fortunes of NISHIMOTO IS THE MOUTH.

Katsutoshi Nishimoto makes a great prediction for the year 2023!

Next year I will be in a lot of media..." At the end of 2021, he blurted out such words, and in 2022, he appeared in a variety of media. What kind of year will 2023 bring? We asked him to predict the year's outcome, using his specialties of prediction, on the five topics of his interest: fashion, pro-wrestling, characters, love, and Katsutoshi Nishimoto.

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Yuichiro Tsuji
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii

TOPIC 02_Pro Wrestling

Atsushi Onita retires for the eighth time? And revival too...?

What do you think about the next topic, "professional wrestling"?

Nishimoto:Atsushi Onita retired and will be back before the end of the year.

It seems possible....

Nishimoto:I retired for the seventh time in 2017, and I'm back again the year after that, so I think it's about time.

Nishimoto-san is a fan of Onita-san, isn't he?

Nishimoto:That's right. I remember that I went to see his last retirement match and got really good seats, but the match made a mess of the audience seats and ruined the good seats. Afterwards, we had the Onita Reflection Party, and all the fans thought that he would come back there, and sure enough, he did. For Mr. Onita, retirement and resurrection are already a set. It's just like when Christmas comes, New Year's comes.

Why this year's timing?

Nishimoto:I think it's time for us to start a new organization called FMWE, but we don't have much power in terms of merchandise...to be frank, it's kind of lame... (laughter). (Laughs) While New Japan and All Nippon are doing some interesting things, (Bitterly) While New Japan and All Nippon are doing quite interesting things, indie groups have to do even more interesting things to survive. So I see a future where the wrestling scene will become more and more extreme. Or rather, I think the fighting scene will become more and more like that. People are under a lot of stress because of the Corona disaster, and I think they want to relieve their stress by watching extreme fistfights.

Nishimoto-san, you are against violence, aren't you?

Nishimoto:Violence is a definite no-no. It hurts and is painful. The best thing is for everyone to be at peace. Violence does not produce anything.

But if it's a show, is that OK?

Nishimoto:If it's entertaining, fine. But realistic bullying and violence is definitely not.

That's right.

Nishimoto:Back to Onita-san, I would like to meet him someday and make some goods and stuff. I would like to save FMWE by doing so. He offered to do something with me once before, but it ended up falling through. Mr. Onita thinks I am the designer of the brand he used to work for. I told him that's not true (laughs).

Now, what is your prediction rate?

Nishimoto:Onita-san's retirement and resurrection is 100%. I am confident about this. Onita-san, I am looking forward to it!



Instagram: @k_nisimoto_

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