Translated By DeepL

Katsutoshi Nishimoto makes a great prediction for the year 2023! Five Fortunes of NISHIMOTO IS THE MOUTH.

Katsutoshi Nishimoto makes a great prediction for the year 2023!

Next year I will be in a lot of media..." At the end of 2021, he blurted out such words, and in 2022, he appeared in a variety of media. What kind of year will 2023 bring? We asked him to predict the year's outcome, using his specialties of prediction, on the five topics of his interest: fashion, pro-wrestling, characters, love, and Katsutoshi Nishimoto.

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Yuichiro Tsuji
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii

TOPIC 05_Katsutoshi Nishimoto

Start of the second chapter of my life. The year 2023, filled with happiness.

Lastly, Nishimoto-san, what is your prediction for your own life in 2023?

Nishimoto:I got a girlfriend last November... (embarrassed laugh).


Nishimoto:Thank you very much! So in 2023 I see a future where I will have my own offspring and get married.


Nishimoto:I had never wanted to get married, much less have children. But meeting her changed my outlook on life. The fact that someone like that appeared in my life, I thought it was fate. She is someone I really respect. When I have a child, my life will change, and for that reason, I have to organize my surroundings. So I have to make a proper judgment of what is necessary and what is not.

How did you meet your girlfriend?

Nishimoto:At the "NISHIMOTO IS THE MOUTH" exhibition. A friend of mine happened to bring me there and introduced me. Two days later, we went on a date and ended up going out. The speed of our relationship was very fast. But I really felt at ease when I was with him. We have only known each other for a short time, but it feels like we have been together for a long time.

That's a very sweet thing to say.

Nishimoto:I can't betray her and I don't want to. She is also expressive, and I can respect that about her, and she is kind, has a great sense of humor, and is really great. She's cute on the outside, but she's even more solid on the inside.

It would be really great and happy if we could have a baby.

Nishimoto:Of course I understand how hard it is, but I am sure that I will develop new feelings that I have never felt before. I imagine what it will be like when I become a father. Starting this year, I will be subscribing to the "Chick Club" and "Zexy.

What will happen to your job now?

Nishimoto:I want to get involved with people from different industries in my work. I want to meet people I have never met before and update my work with new knowledge and ideas. I have already decided on a theme for my next exhibition, and I am in discussions with artists with whom I will collaborate. 2023 will be a bigger year than last year.

I am also blessed with friends, and we have a party called "Zutto Tomo" together, which I would like to make more fun.

You are very serious.

Nishimoto:Want more prophecies?

Please do.

Nishimoto:: The other thing I can see is that I will be on a commercial TV station.

Oh, wow! Finally, my wish will come true this year.

Nishimoto:However, I think the comptroller will continue to be tough, so I'm thinking of going after NHK or similar. Is it tough?

No, you have to have a dream to make it come true.

Nishimoto:I want a regular show. I don't watch TV, so I don't know what kind of shows you have.

Educational TV sounds like a good idea.

Nishimoto:Yes, I think it is. I think simple programs are better suited than difficult ones. Also, if I were to take a solid chance on a civilian program, it would be 24-hour TV. I'm going to donate money.

It looks like 2023 is going to be another fun year. So, what is your prediction's accuracy rate?

Nishimoto:That's 99.9%. I think I have only just finished the first chapter of my life, and I am about to start the middle part. The Godfather 2 movie was the most interesting, and I hope you will continue to pay attention to it. Once again, thank you for your continued support this year!



Instagram: @k_nisimoto_

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