Vintage Summit 11: A Vintage Summit of the industry's leading eccentrics discussing vintage clothing.
Houyhnhnm Vintage Summit.

Vintage Summit 11: A Vintage Summit of the industry's leading eccentrics discussing vintage clothing.

After a year's absence, Vintage Summit, a discussion of vintage clothing among vintage enthusiasts, is back after a long absence. Tomohiro Konno, Michihiko Kurihara, Fujihara Yutaka, and Takashi Abe, four regular members who boast the best personal collections and overwhelming knowledge in the scene, will bring in items and categories that they are interested in recently, or topics they want to share with the members, and will dig deep into them while digressing as usual. They will dig deep into the topic with their usual digressions.

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Takehiro Hakusui
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii

Although not a royal road, this is a "rare pion" as well.


Fujiwara:If you look closely, there is something written faintly on the sleeves and shoulders... What does it say?

Kurihara:I think that the fabric's control number or something was written directly on the corner of the fabric, and that the fabric was sewn by mistake, including that part of the fabric.

Konno:So it's a B product that shouldn't be on the market as a product?

Kurihara:Probably. I first noticed it, or rather, first encountered it, about three years ago. At the time, I assumed someone had written it on a product. But both that first unit I encountered and the next one I encountered were both unused. I found that some of them had the same writing as on this T-shirt, and I knew that the writing had been done before the T-shirt was sewn. After that, I began to consciously check the items and found not only sweatshirts but also T-shirts.

Konno:Heh. So maybe it was bought directly from the factory, not from the market as used clothes.

Kurihara:Yes, I think they are. These were mixed in with a chunk of deads from a rug shop, probably donated by a closed factory or a vendor who deals in B goods, etc.

Abe:Is the age of the building different?

Kurihara:I have not yet encountered anything older than the '90s in terms of my physical experience.

Abe:How much would you put on it?

Fujiwara:What do you think? The sweatshirt is a so-called "rare pion" and has an enthusiast value of about 50,000 yen.

Abe:What? Really?

Fujiwara:Yes, I agree. Even if you think of denim, these B-piece specifications will eventually lead to scarcity value.


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