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Beastie Boys and Jamiroquai worn by T-shirt lovers.

Beastie Boys and Jamiroquai worn by T-shirt lovers.

Insonnia PROJECTS" officially reissues T-shirts based on the motifs of artists and musicians who have influenced the designers themselves. The same American rubber prints and elaborate used finishings give the T-shirts a vintage look and feel. This season's collection features the Beastie Boys and Jamiroquai, who still shine brightly and have many fans in the fashion world. We asked four male and female T-shirt lovers with different tastes and preferences to try on these two music T-shirts that are suddenly gaining more and more attention. Not surprisingly, they all showed up wearing denim. After all, you want to wear denim with your band T-shirts, don't you?

SEIYA OHTA ×BEASTIE BOYS What still fits well is the 90's street.


Haruya Ota / Hair and Makeup Artist

While working as a hair and makeup artist, she is also a fashion icon of the new generation, attracting attention as a model and creator of her own work. At the end of last year, she published a photo essay entitled "Chikuwa in Japanese-style room living," in which she photographed her beloved cat, Chikuwa.
Instagram: @OHTA_SEIYA

-I have the impression that you usually enjoy various genres of fashion, but today's outfit has a strong street color. What did you consider when styling the "Insonia Projects" T-shirt?

The T-shirt has a wide silhouette and the graphics have a very 90's vibe, so I definitely wanted to wear extra-thick denim, so I went with oversized denim for the entire body. Moreover, the denim is not a normal blue, but an earthy, dirty color, which I chose.

-Are there some aspects that are a little bit Beastie Boys-oriented?

A little bit (laughs). But, of course, I knew the songs, but to be honest, I had never really listened to them. I think I actually know many of the songs because I used to listen to them naturally when I used to go to used clothing stores.

-Do you originally like 90's street style and vintage clothing?

I like it a lot and it is my mood these days. There are more and more reprints of 90s T-shirts like this one, and I was born in the same decade, so this tension is probably a good fit for me. I collect T-shirts with designs I wouldn't wear myself, and sometimes I buy T-shirts of bands I don't know well as if I were buying their jackets, and then research and listen to their music. Most of the clothes I'm wearing today are vintage.

-Not only is this an official reissue of the Beastie Boys, but the T-shirt has been made with a great deal of care, with the texture and details of vintage clothing in mind, and the body of the T-shirt is original.

It is quite amazing how the prints are expressed in a degraded way. As for the silhouette, I wear basic T-shirts that are wide or oversized, so I really like the loose silhouette of this one. I also like this silk-screened tag that doesn't tingle when worn.

What are your criteria or preferences when choosing a T-shirt?

As for T-shirts with graphics, if I like the graphics on first impression, I will buy it. As for the silhouette, the wider the body, the better. I may not wear tight T-shirts very often.

-You seem to have quite a collection of T-shirts.

I think I have quite a lot of T-shirts. T-shirts are the most affordable item to buy and collect, so in that sense, T-shirts are my favorite item.


【 release date]

BEASTIE BOYS: Friday, April 7
JAMIROQUAi: Friday, April 14

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