Translated By DeepL

What are HUAWEI's tablets really like?

What are HUAWEI's tablets really like?

While we can easily try out new brands in the fashion industry, this is not the case with gadgets. We tend to choose products from familiar manufacturers without thinking about it. But wait a minute. Is that really the right choice? Aren't there other options available? The HUAWEI MatePad SE 10.4", a lightweight, high-performance, and affordable tablet from Huawei, may be a new option for those who live in a new era. Let us introduce you to three up-and-coming young people and how they use the "HUAWEI MatePad SE 10.4".

  • Photo_Kazuki Iwabuchi
  • Text_Keisuke Kimura
  • Edit_Soma Takeda

High-resolution displays provide a high-quality visual experience.


Mr. Hiro.
WORM store staff / YouTube

Born in 1997 in Saitama , Japan. While working at WORM, a sneaker store in Harajuku, he runs the fashion-oriented YouTube channel "Sugar Free Boys" with four good friends of the same generation. Their immediate goal is to reach 10,000 subscribers!

You work at a sneaker store and are also very active on YouTube as the "Sugar Free Boys. What is your weekly cycle like?

Mr. Hiro:I work at WORM in Harajuku about 5 times a week, and on my days off or in my free time, I shoot YouTube videos and plan projects.

Is the name of your YouTube channel a message "We're not naive"?

Mr. Hiro: I get that from time to time. . I'd like to use that one, because it's cooler than the real origin (laughs). The truth is that all four of us love to drink alcohol, and we often get together and drink "Hyoketsu" unsweetened. That's actually the origin of the name (laughs).

You started YouTube recently, didn't you?

Mr. Hiro: I opened the channel last July, so it's been a little over 8 months . So I would be very happy if readers of this article would subscribe to the channel. Our current goal is 10,000 subscribers by the end of this year.

Please tell us what kind of videos you post on "Sugar-Free Boys".

Mr. Hiro: Basically, it's mostly fashion stuff. . I have also made videos of us shopping at vintage clothing stores, or closely following events in Osaka that we participate in. However, since I do these videos with my good friends, there is a big sense that they are just clips of our usual daily lives (laughs).

Before you actually started working on YouTube, were you already familiar with it?

Mr. Hiro: Yes, I do. I often watch fashion-related videos as well, and I especially like gluttony videos. I often watch videos of people eating big meals, such as Rascal and Elephant Crunch Crunch. I try to curb my appetite by watching them eat (laughs).

The HUAWEI MatePad SE 10.4″ is equipped with a 2K resolution display. The synergy between the screen, which boasts a screen occupancy of 83%, and the high resolution allows users to enjoy an immersive visual experience.

You have used the HUAWEI MatePad SE 10.4" this time. How was it to use?

Mr. Hiro: To be honest, at first I thought I would be confused because it was a manufacturer I was not accustomed to using. However, I didn't feel at all uncomfortable with the operation. It was intuitive.

How was the video viewing experience?

Mr. Hiro: First of all, there is no home button , so the screen feels incredibly large because of that. . Moreover, I could watch videos comfortably because of the high picture quality. I usually watch YouTube on my phone, but this is much better.

What other uses can you envision for the product, Mr. HIRO?

Mr. Hiro: I often have drinks at home with friends, so maybe we can play a board game or something at that time. Like playing millionaires , wargames, etc. .

The HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 2 wireless earbuds from Huawei are equipped with a high-performance noise canceling function that enables comfortable listening even in noisy surroundings. In addition, the sound tuned in collaboration with the Devialet audio brand reproduces the emotion of the original sound source. ¥22,800

To get a better sense of the realistic sound of the "HUAWEI MatePad SE 10.4", we also had them try the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 2 wireless earphones from Huawei.

Mr. Hiro: . actually, I still use wired earphones and headphones (laughs). Bluetooth® is convenient, isn't it? I don't have to bother with cables.

The earphones actually detect the fit of the wearer and automatically personalize the sound quality.

Mr. Hiro: I can hear the sound really clearly and I feel that the balance is good. And if you turn on the noise cancellation, you can enjoy an immersive experience, and if you turn it off, you can hear everything around you. I also like the plain design.

How did you like Huawei as a new option?

Mr. Hiro: Like I said, I was worried about being able to handle it at first, and probably many people think so, but I was able to use the tablet and earphones really easily. Watching videos and returning e-mails were stress-free, so it's totally possible.

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