Translated By DeepL

The first step toward sustainability proposed by the editorial store.

The first step toward sustainability proposed by the editorial store.

EDISTRIAL STORE, opened by stylist Hiroshi Ozawa, has just celebrated its first anniversary. To celebrate this event, the store will be out of Ueda, Nagano, where it is located, and "LIVE STOCK MARKET IN SHIBUYA" will be held at Parco in Shibuya. Of course, there will be a variety of tricks, but the most notable is that ZOZOUSED, a fashion zone for brand-name used clothing on ZOZOTOWN, will open a pop-up store, "LIVE STOCK MARKET with ZOZOUSED". At the pop-up store, the products are curated by creators active in the fashion world, and each of them picks up items selected by their own discerning eyes. To learn more about the appeal of the event, we asked Ozawa, Tatsuya Shimamura, director of "ZOZOUSED," and Yukari Negishi, women's director of "RON HERMAN," one of the guest directors, to talk about the highlights of the event.

  • Photo_Shinji Serizawa
  • Text_Yuichiro Tsuji
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii


Hiroshi Ozawa

In May 2022, he will open an "EDISTORIAL STORE" in his hometown of Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture. As its first anniversary event, "LIVE STOCK MARKET IN SHIBUYA" will be held at Shibuya Parco.


Tatsuya Shimamura

He joined Crown Jewel in 2010 and has a wide range of experience in logistics, buyer, MD, and PM. . Currently, he is in charge of the entire ZOZOUSED business as the director of ZOZO's USED business department.


Yukari Negishi

After graduating from Bunka Fashion College with a degree in Stylist, he worked in sales, planning, and buying at select stores before joining Sotheby's League in 2008 at the launch of Ron Herman, where he worked as the store's buyer before becoming the Women's Director in 2016.



Dates: April 28 - May 14, 2023 (Sun.)
Place: Shibuya PARCO 3rd floor
Address: 15-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku
Instagram: @edistorial_store

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