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A mellow fishing exchange between Kozue Akimoto & Friends and HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB.

A mellow fishing exchange between Kozue Akimoto & Friends and HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB.

HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB has been active for three years. We have been playing with fish under the motto of "fun and enjoyable chill-out," but another purpose of the club is to connect with many people through fishing. So this time, I invited model Kozue Akimoto to join us with her friend! In the refreshing fresh green weather, a total of nine of us had a great time fishing for bass. --The guests from HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB had a great time catching fish! From Hui-Nam Fishing Club, our guest had a great catch!

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii
  • Special Thanks_DAIWA, Anglers Park King Fisher

HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB is also having a blast!

Akimoto Kozue & Friends fishing bashfully. Especially, Akimoto-san and Asamiya-san are having a blast catching fish.

. When I catch this many fish, I feel like trying a lure that I use on a daily basis but have yet to catch. Komatsu used the Purakai Bird Mini by Mushi . This is a lure brand created by Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, who directed his favorite rod, SWAGGER.

It has a catchy duck design, but it is based on a handmade wood lure called the Haima, which has a reputation for catching fish well, as it is based on a handmade wood lure called the Haima, which has a reputation for catching fish well.

Ikemoto, who had a bad back, started out with a straight worm and caught one solid fish.

Ikemoto:I thought, "If I drop it there and move it around, I might be able to catch it," and I did exactly what I wanted to do.

And the director, Ishii, too. Big!

No, it's rooted! But this time!

Ishii:I was using a spinnerbait and a big crank, but when I switched to peanuts, I got two fish in a row. Peanut is trustworthy and stable. From here on, I caught a lot of fish.

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