Translated By DeepL

What is Ultra Super New?
Independent Creative Agency in Tokyo.

What is Ultra Super New?

While walking in Harajuku, I came across a mysterious sign that read "UltraSuperNew. The literal translation is "UltraSuperNew," which means "extremely new. What does it mean? I have been exploring this and that.

  • Photo & Movie_Masanori Kaneshita
  • Movie Edit_Takuya Nakamura (Rhino inc.)
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi
  • Edit_Shuhei Wakiyama

Creativity comes from mixing.

When you visit the Harajuku office, you will notice that English is spoken in many places, and you can sense that people of various nationalities and backgrounds are gathered here. Currently, the company is made up of people from about 20 different nationalities.

I believe that creativity is born when people from different backgrounds and cultures come together," said Kelly, who is in charge of the company's People & Culture Manager.

He continues, "Two of our core values are to think freely , and to always be curious.

The most essential thing for creativity, and the thing that creators want desperately, is inspiration. And inspiration comes from new insights and perspectives. This is true for reading and other forms of input, as well as for travel. When we travel abroad, we all probably have the feeling that various stereotypes are dislodged when we come into contact with a different culture. In order to think freely and without stereotypes, which Ultra Super New values, one must be exposed to other cultures and other people who can break down those boundaries.

The diversity of the company is the result of our active and proactive efforts to promote this diversity. Of course, the company is not content to simply hire and be done with it. We also have a "recipe" for building a creative team.

. The same is true of the free desk we employ in our office, and what we call the creative lunch. As is the fate of advertising, even if you create something very good, it is another story whether the direction you take is seen as correct or not. Even if the work is not accepted as a result, we do not stop there, but have the staff in the company look at it, explain the production process, and receive criticism. By sharing the work within the company in this way, it will remain as a legacy, and both the creator and the company as a whole will improve their skills. Occasionally, we also provide an opportunity for staff members to freely present services, skills, art, etc. that they think should be shared. This is a great way to generate discussion.

For example, there are lunch meetings where people from different departments, called "magic jars," interact with each other. This happens every month, where people go out to eat together with the accountant or the CEO, with whom they do not normally interact. People of different nationalities, positions, and ages get to know each other's interests, tastes, and culture. . Then, they come into contact with and understand each other's culture, which leads to creativity. Attracted by this creativity, a large number of interns from all over the world gather, constantly bringing a breath of fresh air and invigorating the corporate culture. Such a pleasant cycle is taking place.

There are also overseas branches, located in Singapore, Taiwan , and Sri Lanka. Staff from overseas branches stay in the Tokyo office and vice versa. For large projects, teams are sometimes organized to include overseas staff. In the field of creative human resources, borders seem to be disappearing without limit.

We believe that new perspectives and ideas emerge when people from different backgrounds are mixed together, and this formulation has become a major part of the company's personality.


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