Translated By DeepL

What is Ultra Super New?
Independent Creative Agency in Tokyo.

What is Ultra Super New?

While walking in Harajuku, I came across a mysterious sign that read "UltraSuperNew. The literal translation is "UltraSuperNew," which means "extremely new. What does it mean? I have been exploring this and that.

  • Photo & Movie_Masanori Kaneshita
  • Movie Edit_Takuya Nakamura (Rhino inc.)
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi
  • Edit_Shuhei Wakiyama

. There is a margin, so it can be made.

The openness of the company is one of its unique characteristics. On the day of the interview, a person whom even the in-house staff had never seen before was working at his desk with his computer open. When I approached him, he told me that he was an artist for the next exhibition at the gallery. The company's internal scene, with strangers working without a care in the world.... . apparently, the atmosphere is too open.

This is because the most important thing for this company is , first and foremost, the people who work there.

For example, even if a youngster joins the staff, they all take the stance that age, background, or background is completely irrelevant, and if they have an idea, let us hear it. An atmosphere in which it is easy to voice one's opinion definitely flows through this company.

To begin with, exchanges of ideas and discussions occur everywhere. However, since it is a free desk, I cannot put things or books around my desk that express my inner self. . Therefore, you cannot know what kind of tastes, preferences, and thoughts a person has unless you talk to him or her. . That is why interacting with various people is built into the system.

The way we work is truly free. They trust their employees and rarely nag them. I was told that they fill out a time sheet for each project to check whether they are working too many hours or not. If they are working too many hours, they are notified to take a break. This is all because he believes that getting stimulation from one's private life will give birth to good ideas. Perhaps it is this attitude of valuing the space available to them that gives this company its creative twist. No, no, no, is this company a peach of a place?

The office has a bar area , with souvenirs brought in by staff from all over the world. Coffee and other drinks are free, food is served at lunchtime, and beer is brought in at night. Some people go straight to clubs and bars, and some even work as DJs.

You may think that only bright and communicative people work here, but that is not the case. Some staff members are shy, while others are talkative, and both sides accept this. The company is happy as long as they can respect and recognize each other's culture and individuality, and keep each other in the loop. This sounds like a way to prevent the "division" that is occurring everywhere.


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