It's just a T-shirt, but it's a T-shirt. Ten people's MY BEST T-shirts.

It's just a T-shirt, but it's a T-shirt.
10 MY BEST T-shirts.

There may be no other fashion item that expresses the style of the person who wears it so well as a T-shirt, or tells a story that is unique to that person. It may be a T-shirt that you picked up on a trip, a plain T-shirt that is particular about its material and silhouette, or a T-shirt that you made together with a senior whom you admire. To someone who is not interested, it may be just a T-shirt. We went to hear the special stories behind the 10 people's favorite T-shirts of the summer.

STYLE6. Kei Hashimoto


He is the director of CarService, creative director of the boutique PULP, and a member of YouthQuake, a Tokyo-based collective. He is also expanding his field of activities to include stylist, car casting, and curation. He is one of Tokyo's leading icons.
Instagram: @_hsmt

Reggae mood and memories of Paris.

As Mr. Hashimoto loves HIP HOP, old cars, and other so-called "west coast culture" of the U.S. West Coast, I had imagined a T-shirt related to such culture when I asked him for one, but he easily (in a good way) betrayed my expectations with this one! It is a T-shirt that easily betrayed such expectations (in a good way).

I got this T-shirt from JAH JAH, a Jamaican vegan restaurant in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, and , when I went to Fashion Week last time. JAH JAH is a store and label that only has cool people, organizes parties, has its own DJs, and has very cool activities.

The sound system graphics and rasta-colored brand name and message bring out the full reggae vibe. Mr. Hashimoto, who prefers "just right" size, chose a size S, which is also a point of interest. The boxy silhouette with short length matches his mood.

He said he's been listening to a lot of reggae and hardcore lately, and this is just the perfect piece for that kind of mood. Plus, great episodes like this make the T-shirt even more special.

On JAH JAH's Instagram (showing a picture), there was a message saying, "Today at 6pm, this bike will be going around the 10th district, so if you find it, take a picture of it and upload it on your Instagram, you will get a pair of Salomon sneakers and a pair of Jah Jah sneakers. I found it by chance. I found it by chance, but the sneakers were raffled off. But two days later, I was notified that I had won, and I got the sneakers (laughs). I was so excited when I found the bike that I bought this T-shirt, and I wear it all the time these days.

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