FEATURE|Shigekix, Kanoa Igarashi and G-SHOCK #STYLE_OF_G-SHOCK

# SURF / Kanoa Igarashi


Kanoa Igarashi
Born in 1997 in California, he started surfing at the age of 3, won his first US Regional at 6, became the youngest ever Junior World Champion at 14, and at 18 became the youngest competitor on the World Championship Tour. .

He inherited his father's beloved G-Shock , and aims to become a world champion.


With the addition of surfing as an official sport for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the surfing population is suddenly on the rise. Kanoa started surfing long before the boom and chose to become a professional. How did you get started?

canoeMy birthplace is California and my name is Kanoa, so people tend to think that I am half-Japanese, but both my father and mother are Japanese. These parents always loved surfing, and when they moved to California and became permanent residents, my birthplace became California. Both of my parents were surfers, and it was through their influence that I started when I was only 3 years old. I was able to stand up the first day I surfed and was hooked from then on.


After all, have you been an early bloomer in your career so far?

canoeAt the age of 6, he made his first appearance and won his first local contest in the U.S. , and at the age of 9, he joined the USA team as an enhancement athlete, the youngest ever to do so . At age 12, he broke surfing legend Tom Cullen's NSSA record for most wins in a season (30), and became an NSSA National Champion at the same time. He also won the U-18 class of the USA Championship at the age of 14, the youngest record at that time.

Is the feeling of victory the main reason why you have been able to continue surfing since you were 3 years old, and why you have been able to maintain a high level of motivation to this day?

canoeThe desire and thirst to win is, of course, professional. But that is not all. As I visit and compete in oceans around the world, I encounter many different waves and meet many different people. This is also a great pleasure for me.


Why did you decide to join TEAM G-SHOCK?

canoeI joined the team about two years ago. Thankfully, I received the offer, which made me happy because I had known about G-SHOCK since I was a kid. My father used to love G-Shock. When I was invited to join TEAM G-SHOCK, I felt something was connected within me.


So Kanoa-san is also a G-Shock user.

canoeYes, I have always been a big fan of G-Shock, regardless of the fact that I became a member of TEAM G-SHOCK. . I especially like the square-shaped DW-5600. My father also had one of these models, so maybe that's why I like the DW-5600. . And yet it is simple and has the minimum number of functions. It maintains excellent water resistance even in rough waves, and even if it is hit by a surfboard, it is tough enough not to break, which is unthinkable with any other watch. The reliability of the watch's unbreakability also provides a sense of security during competitions. The timer function is also very useful for me as a competitor, and G-Shock is my best watch.

What are your goals for the future, after accumulating brilliant records and results?

canoeIn 2014, he entered the tour with the goal of entering the top surfing league WCT (World Championship Tour), and after winning the Mahalo Surf Eco Festival held in Brazil in 2015, he was promoted to the CT (Championship Tour) in 2016 . In the past few years, he has steadily taken the next step forward. Over the past few years, he has steadily progressed to the next level. And if that is the case, of course, the next goal is to become a World Champion. This year will be a year of competition. Please look forward to it.

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