Back Alley Teen. 87, Himena Kikuchi, 18 years old.

Back Alley Teen. 87, Himena Kikuchi, 18 years old.

Back Alley Teen," an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on young, talented artists. The 87th artist is Hena Kikuchi. With each passing month, she opens up new horizons. We captured the freshness of her teenage years as they passed momentarily.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair and makeup: Tomoko Okada (TRON)
  • Edit_Shun Koda

(Naoki Tomizuka) dress ¥51,700 (Esteem Press 03-5428-0928), (Yoke) sandals ¥35,200 (UTS PR 03-6427-1030), other personal effects of stylist

(Tito Tokyo) jacket ¥73,700, pants ¥49,500 (both men's)Teat Tokyo(HEMT PR 03-6721-0882), Sidesthorpe knitwear ¥49,500, Riedi sandals ¥6,499 (HEMT PR 03-6721-0882), Riedi sandals ¥6,499 (HEMT PR 03-6721-0882)redi), other personal items of the stylist


Hina Kikuchi

Born on October 19, 2004. Born in Ibaraki Prefecture. She won the Miss Weekly Shonen Magazine award for "Miss Magazine 2020. Her major works include the movie "Mayhem Girls" and the drama "Nami yo Kikinasete" (Listen to Me, Wave). Currently appearing in the drama "The Best Student - Last Dance of One Year to Live" (Nippon Television Network Corporation). His film "Manami 100%" will be released on September 29.
Instagram: @hina_k_1019

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