Translated By DeepL

The current point of view of community stores in Sunshine + Cloud.
Place in Life

The current point of view of community stores in Sunshine + Cloud.

Hayama is a place where many people are enchanted by the lush green nature, the beautiful ocean, and the comfort of the slow-moving air, and are left with a warm feeling. There is definitely "something" in Hayama that makes people feel as if they are under such a spell. Have you ever heard of a store called "SUNSHINE+CLOUD," which has been taking root there for nearly 30 years? People from all over the world come to visit the store, which has a unique presence as a select store with a café and flower corner, and it also functions as a place of communication for local residents. The "spaciousness" of the shop, which could never be created in a commercial area, has an important spirit that should not be forgotten in today's information-overloaded age. We interviewed the store's representative, Hayato Takasu, about how a community store rooted in the local community should be.

After all, you don't know what a restaurant is until you've been in it for 10 years or so.

What do you want to do in the future regarding the store and "Aurora Shoes"?

Takasu:Aurora Shoes has been around for a long time, so now we want young people to see our shoes, and in order to do that, we are trying to propose a new way to wear them. For that purpose, we have created a visual book.

. I've seen a little bit of the contents, and they are very comprehensive, aren't they?

Takasu:One of our regular customers who comes here often happens to be in that kind of business. So he planned the event for us. We decided that Hayama, not New York or Los Angeles, would be a good location for this project. I made this film while focusing on Hayama.

Many people in the fashion industry live in Hayama, don't they?

Takasu:It is sometimes referred to as "Ura Hayama" (laughs). The staff who worked on the visual book also had ties to the store and to Hayama, and they all worked hard for the "Sunshine + Cloud" project.

I think you are also being truthful.

Takasu:If a team is assembled solely for the sake of celebrity, it will be a little bit vague. Because they don't understand each other. By the time we are able to understand each other, it is easy to end up not being able to understand each other. I feel that by working with people who are involved and who love this store and Aurora Shoes, we were able to create something with depth. It's not just about being cool.

The visual book that was created in this way was an opportunity to add new values to "Aurora Shoes" through a fashion approach, wasn't it?

Takasu:I believe that minor changes are necessary even for authentic products, and that the way we look at things needs to change with the times, and I think this is a good opportunity to do so.

What do you want to do with "Sunshine + Cloud"?

Takasu:I am confident that the store is going in the right direction and that we are not making any mistakes, so I would like to raise the bar in many areas. . including, of course, the quality of the clothes.

You are holding pop-up events involving various people, brands, and stores today.

Takasu:Since we have built a parking lot, we need to get it up and running first (laughs). Well, there are people who want to do it, and we have the space, so we should do it. We could have a flea market or something like that.

You have been doing this for a long time, and that's why people keep coming to you.

Takasu:Rather than attracting customers based on buzz, the number of people we attracted increased over time. One of them happened to be a singer, and we asked him, "Well, will you sing for us? And so on. Ten years have passed since we moved here, and we are finally starting to function in this way. After all, you don't know how a restaurant is going to function until you have been in it for 10 years or so. When we first moved here, we were really groping our way around, but that's how it naturally started. We used to hold beer gardens in front of Corona, and I would like to start doing that a little more this year.

And it also creates communication among the local people.

Takasu:Yes, that's right. Local drunkards keep coming in (laughs). (Laughs.) That is also interesting.



Address: 2151-1 Isshiki, Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa-ken
Phone: 046-876-0746
Hours: 11:00-18:00
Closed: Monday (open on national holidays)
Instagram: @sunshine_cloud_hayama

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