Translated By DeepL

The new world that Ayumu Hirano encounters. Vol.1 Ramen and clothes.
with UNIQLO , without board

A new world that Ayumu Hirano encounters.
Vol.1 Ramen and Clothes.

Ayumu Hirano won the gold medal in the men's snowboard halfpipe at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Hirano, who has devoted so much energy and time to his sport that it could be said he has devoted his entire life to the challenge, has begun to look outside of the sport as if he were taking a breather. Where does his curiosity lead him? HOUYHNHNM's, with Mr. Hirano dressed in "UNIQLO" clothing, entered a new world of ramen noodles, coffee, and records.

  • Direction&Styling_Akio Hasegawa
  • Photo_Seishi Shirakawa
  • Hair&Make_Kenshin
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi
  • Edit_Shun Koda

The horse pirate's commitment.

Tantanmen ¥900

A bowl of "Bazoku" has been loved for 40 years. Hirano-san was curious to hear that the "noodles are chewy. How do the noodles taste so good? We asked the manager about his passion for the dish.

Noodles are made with flour and water, but we change the amount of water depending on the temperature and humidity. . We also change the way the noodles are laid out. After the noodles are done, I boil them immediately. If there are no orders, we throw them away and make new ones...and we keep on rolling them (laughs).

Freshness is the key to handmade noodles. The secret behind the chewy texture is apparently not only the ingredients .

. "The taste was created by my predecessor, but I studied Chinese noodles where the noodles are softer, and we make ours a little firmer. There are two types of wood used for the beating boards, cypress and cedar, and the taste changes when the wood is changed. The taste also changes when the wood is changed. The cypress produces slightly better noodles.

Hearing this, Mr. Hirano also said, "Hearing your particulars made me even more hungry. In the meantime, the noodles, the main ingredient of the sesame-scented tantanmen, were ready. Then, let's try the noodles!

The noodles are very good! . And maybe because they are handmade, I think they are clear. The color of the soup makes it look spicy, but when I drank it, I found it was not spicy, but rather had a strong sesame aroma. The combination of the chewy noodles and the thick broth is good, and I like it.

Mr. Hirano also praises the noodles. According to him, it takes about 2 to 3 years of noodle-making before he can serve it to customers, and from there it takes another 5 to 6 years to become a craftsman. The manager of the restaurant has been working here for 20 years. Perhaps inspired by his own athletic spirit, Mr. Hirano asks the manager, "How do you maintain your motivation in the midst of daily repetition?

. I've gotten used to it. Also, I try to stay motivated by going to the hospital and taking care of my body, since typing is also physically demanding work.

Hirano, who, as an athlete, stretches carefully for an hour or more, nods repeatedly as if to say, "I know, I know.

In fact, in addition to the tantanmen, Mr. Hirano also enjoyed chilled tantanmen and gyoza (dumplings). Regarding the difference between regular and chilled tantanmen, he said, "The texture of the noodles was somehow different. Is it a different type of noodle?" He was impressed by the noodles at this restaurant.

The type of fish is the same, but the texture varies depending on whether the fish has been watered down or not.

He continues with a satisfied look on his face, "Oh, I see .

I knew that ramen is a deep world with many variations of flavors, but it was interesting to learn about the other side of the story. I usually don't choose tantanmen that often, but this was a good opportunity for me to learn about new tantanmen that I had never heard of before.

As if to express their gratitude, they leave the restaurant with a firm finish, not leaving even a single noodle behind.

You are the type of person who will go all the way if you have to. How does he manage his diet as an athlete?

. it's kind of extreme. It's always been like that. Sometimes I'm really into it, and other times I don't care at all. . Lately, I've been conscious of switching on and off, and during the few weeks I'm back in Japan, I'm allowed to eat whatever I want. Many foods overseas are heavy, so I don't dislike them, but I'm not good at them either (laughs). I eat what I like... and that's something I'm going to value from now on."


UNIQLO Global Brand Ambassador Site


Bazoku Nippori Branch

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Phone: 03-3805-2430
Hours: 11:00 - 23:30 Open daily
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