Translated By DeepL

The essentials for that person, Link Original Makers.

The essentials for that person, Link Original Makers.

Retro packaging that enhances the desire for ownership, a commitment to domestic production, and ingredients based on the latest skincare theories. LINC ORIGINAL MAKERS' cosmetics and fragrances are uncompromising in appearance and substance, and are daily essentials that can be used for a long time. In this issue, we asked three people who know LINC ORIGINAL MAKERS to talk about its comfort and charm.

  • Photo_Masashi Ura
  • Text_Yasuyuki Ushijima
  • Edit_Soma Takeda

You have to be convincing in the way you look and dress.


Aiyumi Hamamoto

After graduating from beauty school in Osaka , she worked in apparel sales. After that, she worked as a stylist's assistant for nearly 4 years before going independent in 2018. . He is widely active in mode magazines and fashion media. She is also an influencer herself, spreading the appeal of fashion.
instagram: @ayumi6316

-What do you do on your days off?

Hamamoto:I go to museums, drive my car around furniture stores, and go out a lot. It is rare that I relax all day on vacation (laughs).

By the way, what is your favorite car?

Hamamoto:It is a Mercedes-Benz 230E. When I decided to buy a car, I asked people around me what kind of car would fit my image. One of the editors who knew a lot about cars told me about the 230E. It is a vintage car, so it requires a lot of maintenance, but that is why I love it so much.

. - You are very active in your car, even on your days off, aren't you? Is it to provide input for your work?

Hamamoto:That's one aspect, but there are also times when I shop as a reward to myself for working hard or for some other reason (laughs).

-What keeps you active and on the move? Is it food , or do you have a special way to relax?

Hamamoto:I don't have a particular diet. I also like very junky food (laughs). . Of course, I calculate my calories for the day, though. . I just think that time spent relaxing is a waste of time. . So I think that going to places that interest me and doing things that I want to do is, on the contrary, a stress reliever.

-. When I talk with Mr. Hamamoto, I feel as if I have received his power, and I feel cheerful as well.

Hamamoto:I guess because I always try to keep my mind positive (laughs). . I think it makes life more enjoyable for me. Basically, I try not to think too negatively.

-Please tell us more about "Link Original Makers". Mr. Hamamoto, I understand that you have known the brand since its early days.

Hamamoto:Actually, I am friends with the owner, Mr. Nakamura. I heard that he was going to launch a brand through that process. I even helped out a little with some work at the brand's office when it was launched (laughs).

-That's a good memory (laughs). Do you have any products that you have used from "Link Original Makers"?

Hamamoto:It is a hair balm. When the brand was just launched and Mr. Nakamura wanted everyone to use it, he gave it as a gift, and I received it as well. At the time, my hair was like a wolf perm, which is different from today's hair, so I used it a lot. When I put it on my hair, the balm melted and became wet, which was just the right weight. The scent was unique, and I loved that as well.

-Scent is important.

Hamamoto:I wear perfume, so it's nice that it's a tension scent that doesn't fight with that. After using it, when I settle down at home, I can smell it softly and think, "I knew it smelled good.

. -Mr. Hamamoto, you are a stylist, so I know you are good at styling clothes, but when you think about it as a total coordination, naturally the hairstyle is also important, isn't it?

Hamamoto:Naturally, the hair element is also quite important. When I create a piece, I have a hair and makeup artist, so I tell her the mood of the styling and we work together to come up with a style.

-I see. Yes, that's right.

Hamamoto:However, when I think about it as my own business, although stylists are behind the scenes and not in the public eye, I believe that as a business I have to be convincing in the way I look and dress. So, no matter how early in the morning I am on location, it is my style to make sure my hair and makeup are done right.

-. because stylists work with a lot of people.

Hamamoto:The first thing you see when you first meet a person is his/her appearance, right? Hair, makeup, and clothing are very important because they influence the first impression. Therefore, I try to use hair care products that suit me and that I am satisfied with.

-This time, you said you haven't used hair balm in a while.

Hamamoto:I thought it would be a little heavy with my current hair style, but it blends very well, so I thought it would be better to use it on the ends of my hair in my case. Also, it can be used as a hand cream or nail oil, so it saves me the trouble of washing my hands.

-It looks like it would be a good gift.

Hamamoto:I think it is perfect for women and men as well. Gifts for men are quite confusing, but I think this one will be appreciated because of its classic and retro packaging.

Hair Balm No.997 ¥4,070
This hair balm contains eight kinds of natural oils, including olive oil, to moisturize scalp and hair. Warm an appropriate amount in the palm of your hand to make it stretchable, making it useful for a variety of uses, including hair styling. Since it is derived from high-quality natural oils, it can be used as hand cream or nail oil after use, eliminating the need to wash hands.


Link Original Makers

Official Site
Instagram : @linc_original_makers


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