What to Wear in Autumn/Winter? Hiroshi Fujiwara, please tell us!

What to wear in fall and winter?
Hiroshi Fujiwara, please tell us!

For those who love culture, including fashion and music, there must be no one in Japan today who does not know the name Hiroshi Fujiwara. It would be a little bit too much to ask the man who has created Tokyo's international perception, "What do you feel like this fall/winter and what are you going to wear? I think it's a little bit too much to ask a person who has created a sense of Tokyo from a global perspective, "What are you going to wear this fall/winter? So let's just ask him straight out. Hiroshi Fujiwara, please tell us what you will be wearing this fall/winter!

  • Photo_Takaki Iwata
  • Hair&Make_Yosuke Akizuki
  • Text_Ryo Tajima (DMRT)
  • Edit_Yusuke Suzuki


He is the president of "fragment design. He has been active in Japanese street culture since its dawn, and his every move attracts attention from all over the world. Recently, his TV program "FUJI-YAMA" with Ichiro Yamaguchi of Sakanaction and "Hiroshi Fujiwara's Special Lecture "Nonverbal Marketing"" at FRAGMENT UNIVERSITY, where the first lecture is scheduled on October 11, have attracted much attention. The first lecture is scheduled for October 11, 2012.
Instagram: @fujiwarahiroshi

There is no sense of season or trend, which is Hiroshi Fujiwara's style.

I don't buy anything special just because it's fall/winter or because it's this year. So the items I brought today are clothes that I wear all year round, rather than those I chose for this year. The lineup may not have an autumn/winter feel to it. People around me often tell me that I wear the same clothes all year round.

With the theme of "fall/winter" and "this year's", this was an unexpected turn of events from the start. Indeed, looking at the items brought to the show, all of them were items that we had seen Hiroshi Fujiwara wearing somewhere on SNS or in the media. While some of the items introduced here are outerwear, I feel that many of the hoodies, shirts, knits, and other items would be worn mainly in the spring and fall, and as innerwear in the winter. But what does it mean to wear the same outfit all year round?

I don't do a lot of outdoor activities. Even if I do go out, I spend all day in a café, so in summer it is cold inside because of the air conditioning. In winter, it is hot because of the air conditioning. So I wear cotton knits or the same long-sleeved clothes all year round.

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