Translated By DeepL

Let's go play with Outdoor Products and your dog!
One Day Playing with Doggo

Let's go play with Outdoor Products and your dog!

When you go out with your dog, you need to bring a lot of things. Water, treats, and an etiquette bag in case he gets nervous. And once you take even a single step outside of the house, there are so many things to tickle your dog's curiosity that you have to keep him on a leash while you go this way and that way. Outdoor Products' backpacks and roll-bottoms are useful in such situations. Pack your favorite toys and the love that won't fit in the bag, and where shall we go today?

  • Photo_Naoki Muramatsu
  • Text_Yasuyuki Ushijima
  • Edit_Shun Koda


No.1 MIU & Shigeru Boston is custom with pins!


She worked as a model for ViVi magazine for five years, graduating last year. She is currently active as a model mainly for fashion brand advertisements. On her days off, she walks with her 6-year-old kani-hen dachshund dog, Shigeru, or goes trekking or mountain climbing. She loves music, clothes, and ramen noodles, and her unwavering way of life has many fans, both male and female.
Instagram: @_miugram_

Your partner is called Shigeru-kun, which is an interesting name.

MIU:Actually, many of my relatives, including my grandfather, were named "Shige 00". So I gave it to him because he was a boy.

I see. Where did you meet Shigeru-kun?

MIU:Shigeru is a dog that was with a breeder in Saga.

What was the deciding factor? Love at first sight?

MIU:When I held her in my arms, she rested her chin on my arm a little and leaned in close, so I decided, "Oh, I will protect her forever. Also, my parents had a miniature dachshund that they had picked up. The fact that he looked like her was also a deciding factor.

So you felt a sense of destiny.

MIU:That's right. I didn't really know what a "shelter dog" was until I got Shigeru, and it wasn't until I started living with Shigeru that I began to think more deeply about animals. The dog I picked up at my parents' house might have been a breeding dog, and Shigeru might have been raised in such an environment.... My encounter with Shigeru helped me grow up.

Shigeru, what kind of personality do you have?

MIU:He is a sweet little devil (lol). He is usually calm and quiet, but he barks when other dogs or men come near him, as if he is trying to protect me. She used to be fine, but recently she sometimes barks depending on the breed of dog. Eiri Kazama's Stella is a little bit bigger dog, but we get along well. She knows that Kazama-san and I get along well with each other, so from the beginning we played without barking.

I guess you are looking at MIU after all.

MIU:Yes, I do. You are observing closely.

Q. Since you started living with Shigeru, have there been any changes in your feelings or lifestyle?

MIU:I feel that I live not only for myself, but also for Shigeru (laughs). For example, I take walks in the morning and at night, and my mindset and motivation toward work are generally "for Shigeru. He is like my closest family member.

Do you have any suggestions for Shigeru that you would like him to fix?

MIU:Not at all (laughs). (Laughs.) I am a bit of a bad sleeper and sometimes my bed is occupied, but I can forgive anything because I am cute.

Shigeru-kun, what kind of person do you think he is to MIU?

MIU:There were many situations that I was able to overcome ...... because of Shigeru. For example, when I was having a hard time at work, he would comfort me by licking my lips. ...... Even when I go for a daily walk, it is hard to walk the same path, but with Shigeru, I can do it without any difficulty. By going outside, I could feel the seasons, such as "the sun is going down earlier than yesterday. There are many things I could have learned because Shigeru was there. Of course, I have developed feelings that I would not have known without Shigeru, and I am certain that he would be a person I would not want to see go away.

MIU: I heard that you used to use a rolled Boston when you were in high school.

MIU:Yes, I did. It was a little smaller in size, but I used it solidly for three years of high school. I had a black one, but my friend used this purple one, and I felt nostalgic. I also used a backpack, but the one that holds the most memories is the Boston.

Did you customize your own badges and pins in high school as well?

MIU:Yes, I had arranged it. I would file down the body to give it a used look. When I was in high school, we would hang out in front of convenience stores or in parks. I would sit on the Boston as a chair like a cushion, or I would lie on it like a real pillow (laughs).

I heard that you are currently using a backpack.

MIU:I still use a backpack, don't I? It is a collaboration backpack with my friend's brand [Diaspora skateboards]. It is a collaboration backpack with my friend's brand [Diaspora skateboards], and the size is quite large, so I use it for trips of about one night and two days.

What kind of bag do you usually use for your walks?

MIU:It is a small shoulder bag. When I go out with Shigeru, I tend to pack a lot of stuff. We have a toilet bag, a dish to drink water from, a card from the hospital, treats, and a Frisbee that Shigeru likes to play with, so we have a lot of stuff. So a bag with a lot of space is easy to use.

You were walking with a rolled Boston slung over your shoulder with Shigeru-kun on top of it earlier.

MIU:It was too small to fit inside, but they were able to get on top of it and it was very stable. Dachshunds have short legs, so they often get leaves on their feet or tails during this season, and that can make them suddenly stop walking.

You must be very sensitive.

MIU:Yes, it is. It went on the bag properly and was mature, so that's how I use it. I usually don't carry a bag when I go out alone, but a big bag like a rolled Boston is also cute. That may be another new discovery.

Where would you like to go with Shigeru-kun with this bag?

MIU:I wish I could go to the mountains or anywhere, I really wish I could go to many places, I welcomed Shigeru when I was 20 years old, so we have been together for 6 years now. He is now more than family to me, so I want to continue to protect him well. As much as I want to protect Shigeru, I also want to understand the current situation of animals and tell people around me about it.

No.2 Eiri Kazama & Stella Keep both hands free during the walk to avoid losing power.


A model active in a wide variety of fashion magazines and advertisements, she also works as an assistant to Shota Chubachi, a plant coordinator and a green stylist. Alongside this, she is also active as a green stylist while working as an assistant to plant coordinator Shota Chubachi, who is also her plant master. On Instagram, she updates her collection of plants and also distributes her own activities. Recently, the center of her life is her dog, Stella (2 years old).
Instagram: @eirikazama

What kind of dog is Stella? And how did you meet Stella (2 years old)?

Kazama:Stella is a mongrel with a Shiba Inu in her. When my husband (Mr. TEITO) and I got married and moved to a new apartment, the apartment was pet-friendly. My husband and I both wanted to adopt a pet, so we decided that if we were going to adopt a pet, it would be a shelter dog, and we came across Stella through a foster site.

Have you actually changed your lifestyle since you welcomed Stella?

Kazama:It has become completely Stella-centric (laughs). She can stay at home, but I don't want her to be gone for too long, so I used to stop off somewhere after I finished my errands, but now, even when we are out as a couple, she says, "Let's go home right away!" I think that's a good thing.

I think there are many moments when I am glad to have spent time with you.

Kazama:They are always a healing presence, giving us energy to ourselves, and we discover many things about them every day. For example, when we sleep together, Stella snuggles up against my body, and although my position is tight, I feel happy because I have a sense that she trusts me.

- Since Stella came from a shelter dog, did you have to face some difficulties?

Kazama:At first, he was afraid of people, so he did not come out of his gauge or territory for about a month after we welcomed him. He would not even eat in front of us. However, as time went by, he gradually became more open to us and started to play with us and to eat food from my hand. I was really moved when he ate from my hand.

When you go for a walk, you have a lot of baggage, don't you?

Kazama:That's right. If you include a toilet bag, a dish for drinking water, and snacks, you will have quite a lot of luggage.

Outdoor Products' backpack in green was chosen for this event.

Kazama:I have an image that "Outdoor Products" has a wide variety of colors, but for me, I was more impressed with their backpacks. Recently, I also saw a backpack in a larger size than this one!

How was it to use? It is made of Cordura nylon, so it is resistant to water and can be washed immediately even if it gets dirty, so I think it is ideal for playing with dogs.

Kazama:Like the fact that you can carry it without worrying about dirt, it is easy to use because you can fit everything in it. And since the backpack can be carried on your back, it is nice to have both hands free. Stella is quite strong and mischievous. She will go in any direction she is interested in, so it is a must to have both hands free during a walk. That's why it will come in handy.

Your green backpack matched your outfit today.

Kazama:I chose green because it is my favorite color and it was a deep green, so I thought it would go with everything I was wearing. Black can also be matched without thinking, but I chose it because it was my favorite green.

Where would you take this backpack if you were going out with Stella?

Kazama:I haven't been to the river or anything with Stella yet, so I would like to go play with her. If we do, I'm sure we'll have more luggage again, so this backpack will come in handy.

No.3 Shintaro Kawabe, Keiichiro Kawabe & Lily, Rosii A backpack that can be worn by siblings.


Left / Mr. Shintaro Kawabe

In 2019, she transitioned from an apparel store clerk to a freelance editor/writer. Currently, she directs and writes mainly for magazines, web media, and advertising. With her is Lily, a 2-year-old standard poodle (♀)
Instagram: @shintaro632
Instagram: @rosy_and_liliy


Right / Keiichiro Kawabe

A well-known press/buyer of Tomorrowland who has appeared in many media. He wears a wide range of clothes from classic suit styles to modern casual wear. Rosie, a 5-year-old flat-coated retriever
Instagram: @keiichiro_kawabe

I understand that Rosie and Lily are dogs that live at your parents' house.

Keiichiro:That's right. I often go back to my parents' house and take walks with them, although it is very rare.

Shintaro:I'm away from home too, so I only see her once in a while, but when I see her after a while, Lily has forgotten my face, and it takes me a while to get used to her (laughs).

Have you two had dogs in your home for as long as you can remember?

Shintaro:That's right. When I go home, it's more like going to see Rosie and Lily than going to see my parents (laughs).

Keiichiro:When I go home, I don't get to spend much time with my parents, so I just say "good morning" to them in the morning and at night. But when I do get to play with him sometimes, it really relaxes me. We sometimes go for walks, but Rosie is very smart and Lily is still very naughty. There are times when I miss them.

Do you notice anything about having a dog in the house?

Keiichiro:It is hard to feel it when you are together in your daily life, but going for a walk is a good way to get in touch with nature, like how nice it is to go to the park early in the morning. Besides, it is also interesting to get to know people you don't usually meet when you go for a walk. I usually leave it to my mother, but I still have to go for a walk with Rosie and Lily even if I am busy.

What are their personalities?

Keiichiro:Rosiey is the type of person who reads the air. I think he is really smart because he observes people and understands what they are saying. His emotions at the time come out in his facial expressions, really (laughs).

Shintaro:Lily is naughty. Sometimes she barks at me as soon as I come home. It's sad that the relationship value resets so quickly to zero. I stayed at my parents' house last night, too, and they looked at me like, "Why are you here?" (laugh).

Keiichiro:It's like having two sisters.

Shintaro:Really, four siblings.

What kind of bag do you usually use when you go for a walk?

Keiichiro:I tend to carry a sacosh type bag. However, it does not have a lot of space, so I sometimes carry water in my hand.

Shintaro:I also use a diagonal sacosh-type bag, but a backpack is easier to use for walks because it frees up both hands. Since it can hold a lot of stuff, I thought I could put my laptop and other work tools in it and work during my walk.

Have you actually used "Outdoor Products" before?

Keiichiro:You used to use it. That's exactly what the red backpack I used this time was actually used for.

Shintaro:I still use that bag myself (laughs). (Laughs) It had a hole in it, so I had it sewn and repaired. The color has faded quite a bit, making it look like a real vintage from the 90's, but it has a nice taste.

Keiichiro:How long have you been using it? I'm kind of familiar with that red (laughs).

Shintaro:That was when I was in kindergarten, so I might have been using it for more than 20 years. Because it has my brother's name written on the inside, in hiragana (laughs).

It is amazing that you are still working from such an era.

Shintaro:It's amazingly durable, isn't it? The model we used this time is Cordura nylon, so it seems to be even tougher. Also, it can be placed anywhere, even during a walk, and it can be washed if it gets dirty, so it's convenient.

Keiichiro:I love that the design and atmosphere hasn't changed over the years.

Shintaro:Mm-hmm. And yet, it's nice to have a wide variety of sizes and coloring.

No.4 Mona & Timmy Big size for camping.


Moena, who has stayed in the countryside of France and England as a child, is the owner of "Cyodo" in Hatagaya, where you can enjoy natural wine. She shares her daily lifestyle through Instagram. Her beloved dog is Timmy (1-year-old male).
Instagram: @bisous_mona44

Is Timmy a miniature poodle?

Moeuna:No, he is a mix of a chihuahua and a poodle, although he is often mistaken for one. I fell in love with her from the first time I held her in my arms.

Have you noticed any changes in your life since Timmy came home?

Moeuna: Since it was the first time for both he and I to have a dog, we watched YouTube videos and studied training. We are doing our best together with him because the dog will not understand if we do not train him in a unified manner with everyone in the house.

It seems like Timmy is in the center of the two of you.

Moeuna:That's exactly what we did. Before Timmy came home, it was just the two of us, but just like human children, we have been thinking of ways to travel and camp that we can take with us, and I have come to realize that we are more like family than pets, as I now count the hours Timmy is away when we go out for drinks at night and worry about him! I am now realizing that Timmy is more like a family member than a pet. In Hatagaya, where my store is located, there are many stores that accept dogs as family members, and I am blessed to be able to take my dog there for a glass of wine or a cup of tea.

I think it also changes the kind of stores we usually go to.

Moeuna:When I was training in restaurants, I was skeptical about bringing dogs into restaurants because I had never owned a dog. However, when I became a dog owner myself, I realized how strongly I felt about dogs as family members, and I reflected on my ignorance and made sure to visit restaurants with the awareness that not all people feel the same way about dogs.

I would be happy if there were more places where I could spend time with my dog as a family member, like in Europe, where dogs are commonplace on trains and in restaurants.

Do you often have "Cyodo" stay at your store as your signature dog?

Moeuna:My child is cute in a curious and friendly way, but she keeps going out to play with customers and appealing to me for attention during business hours, so she usually stays at home so that I don't give up my job because of her cuteness (laugh).

When you go out with Timmy, you tend to have a lot of luggage.

Moeuna:That's right. When we go away, especially on long trips, there are many things that don't fit in our normal walking bag, such as diapers just in case we have to visit a store or other indoor location, favorite toys, treats, and so on.

What kind of image did you have of "Outdoor Products"?

Moeuna:When I was in middle and high school, I saw many kids around me using Outdoor Products. At that time, I was in a straight line of mode fashion, so I never chose them, but I love the fact that they can hold a lot of stuff and the bright colors are very nice.

Do you have any particular color preferences when choosing a bag?

Moeuna:I'm the type of person who chooses by intuition, but since I often choose primary colors and flashy colors for my outfits, I sometimes choose colors that won't lose out to them.

Where would you like to go with Timmy, carrying an Outdoor Products bag?

Moeuna:After all, it is camping, isn't it? Now that we can finally go outside, and since we both love camping, we want to go to many places together. The reason we chose the roll-bottom bag this time is because we have a lot of luggage when camping. I think it will be very useful for us because we can put small portions of pet food, plates, Timmy's favorite blankets, pet sheets, toys, and other Timmy-related belongings in one place.



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