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Carrying the experience on our backs: the identity and appeal of Whitage, a bag brand born from a UX perspective.

Carrying the experience on our backs: the identity and appeal of Whitage, a bag brand born from a UX perspective.

I have a feeling that this bag will be a game changer. Keiji Ogawa, who has been involved in various brands and has been involved in fashion from a wide range of perspectives, including marketing, sales, and even MD, says, "I think this bag is going to be a game changer. He is the designer of the newly launched bag brand "WHITEÂGE" this season. The brand is full of interesting keywords, such as UI/UX design that makes use of his other face as a web director and designer, and the use of new materials that reduce the weight of the bag. We asked Mr. Ogawa himself to tell us what exactly "Whitage" is.

  • Photo_Yuma Yoshitsugu
  • Text_Hisamoto Chikaraishi(S/T/D/Y inc.)
  • Edit_Naoya Tsuneshige

I have a feeling this bag is going to be a game changer."

What kind of people do you want to see in this new release?

Stream:We don't really want to create a demographic appeal to a specific age group or gender. Rather, we would like to make psychographic appeals that fit the tastes and interests of the audience.

We would be happy if our products are accepted by so-called "early adopters," people who are not hesitant to explore new things and have a strong inquisitive mind, such as people who like design, fashion, and technology, just like the people who picked up the first iPhone. As a brand, we hope that our products will resonate not with the greatest common denominator, but with the lowest common denominator. Of course, even if you are not one of those people, as many people are now using iPhones, this bag will satisfy a variety of people.

I am looking forward to its release. Your brand has a very clear concept and goal.

Stream:I see various possibilities for bags that take advantage of the functional material "Myavier," and I think it could possibly be a game changer in a variety of fields. For example, it could be used in outdoor activities such as camping and climbing with heavy loads, as well as in travel.

I cannot speak for myself alone (laugh), but as a designer, I would like to take one step at a time and look toward products for the various genres in which bags are needed. I would like to continue to evolve, incorporating everything from the good qualities and methods of traditional products to cutting-edge design and high technology without compromise.


WHITEÂGE (Tokyo Delica Merchandise Department)

Official Online Store
Official Instagram
*Sales will begin on October 25 (Wed.) at the official online store and stores that carry the product.

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