Translated By DeepL

Beauty and coolness over sustainability. Quon and The Inouye Brothers, an encounter of the soul.
Powerful, it is powerful clothes.

Beauty and coolness over sustainability.
Quon and The Inouye Brothers, an encounter of the soul.

KUON and The Inoue Brothers... . The former is known for its modern take on traditional Japanese techniques, while the latter is widely recognized around the world for its knitwear made from South American alpaca. The two companies, both with a focus on sustainability, have come together to collaborate on this project. In this interview, we talked not only about the items that will be shown at the pop-up store at Isetan starting Wednesday, October 25, but also about the current sustainability situation and the low wages in Japan. Mr. Horike of WISM, the company that brought the two together, joined the discussion midway through the session. It became a heated trilogy.

  • Photo_Masayuki Nakaya
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi
  • Edit_Ryo KomutaShinri Kobayashi

If you want to think about the future, it is for the youth.

Since this is such a great initiative, I would like to see this collaboration in the future, if you are so inclined, but do you have any plans for the future?

Satoshi:It was decided while we were talking earlier (laughs). From our point of view, if we want to keep doing this, we will go to the Andes and bring alpaca hair as much as we want. I hate the one-time-only approach. It's like using disposable items. That's why it took me so long to get this far, and that's why I want to make it last.

Hori family:Satoshi moved from Denmark to Okinawa , so I like the idea of that kind of approach.

Stone bridge:Indigo dyeing, right?

Satoshi:. yes. I also think that this item is a perfect art piece, but I would like to work with them on items that are a little easier to make... for example, small items. The generation that will shape the fashion industry in the future is younger than us. The price of this cardigan, 450,000 yen, is not affordable for young people, so I would be happy if we could make something that, if this were a bottle of wine, would allow them to taste just a glass. Rather than selling a lot of products, I want young people to understand this kind of thing as soon as possible, and I want them to get into it. There are many people who can only afford fast fashion, and I am too arrogant to tell them not to buy or wear it, so I want them to start liking this kind of thing when they are young and understand its value. So I ask for your continued support for a long time (laughs).

Stone bridge:It's nice to meet you too (laughs).

It was like a public marriage proposal in front of the matchmaker, Mr. Horie (laughs).

Hori family:(Laughs) . Anyway, I myself am thinking about not ending with just this one shot. I think it would be good to eventually sell it at airports, etc. It is an item that conveys traditional crafts to the world through fashion, and although it is a bottle this time, I would like to cooperate in some way with what we are doing in the future, whether it is glasses or highballs, I don't know.

KUON 2023 Fall/Winter POP-UP STORE

Period: October 25 (Wed) - November 7 (Tue) Place: Isetan Shinjuku Men's Building 2F Men's Creators

The collaboration items from Quon and The Inouye Brothers will be on sale at this pop-up event on Thursday, October 26 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Satoshi from The Inouye Brothers, Ishibashi, the designer of Quon, and Horike from Wism will be in the store to serve customers. Mr. Horike will be serving customers at the store.

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