Translated By DeepL

Each Shonan International Marathon. VOL.1 Thoughts of a runner working for The North Face.
Shonan Internashonal Marathon

Each Shonan International Marathon.
VOL.1 Thoughts from a runner working at The North Face.

The Shonan International Marathon has been one of the most popular marathons in Japan, and in 2022, the marathon will be held in the runners' own bottles, making it an opportunity for runners to become more environmentally conscious than just finishing the race in a time. What are the thoughts of the runners who enter the Shonan International Marathon, and in what style are they planning to run the marathon? We asked two runners from The North Face about their enthusiasm for the race.

Amateurs and experts alike will want to run it again.
The unique charm of the Shonan International Marathon.


(Left) Teruyo Yamauchi

The North Face Marketing Group. . joined GOLDWIN Inc. in 2022. He is in charge of promoting The North Face's lifestyle category. . He is gradually trying activities supported by the brand. . A beginner runner who started running this summer.


(Right) Mika Nishino

Manager, Lifestyle Group, The North Face Division . . In charge of product planning for The North Face's lifestyle apparel. . She is also involved in a project to expand awareness to the women's market and Conservation Alliance Japan, an outdoor environmental protection foundation. . She was a member of the track and field club in elementary, junior high, and high school. She has won prizes in trail running competitions.

First of all, can you tell us about your running history?

Yamauchi: I just recently started running. My friends and I were talking about the idea that it was time for me to at least get some exercise. So we decided to get together once a week at Komazawa Park and run together. That was in August of this year, so it has only been about three months. But when we started running, it was surprisingly pleasant. It was an exhilarating feeling that I could not experience in my daily work. I thought it would be fun to try running in a race, so I entered the Shonan International Marathon, which "The North Face" supports.

Westfield: . I was originally a track and field athlete, running middle and long distance in junior high and high school. After I entered the workforce, I gradually drifted away from athletics, but since starting this job, I have become more physically active. I have run full marathons, of course, but I have also tried trail running. However, I haven't run a full marathon since the Shonan International four years ago, so it's been a while since I've tried.

What is your impression of the Shonan International Marathon among the various races in the world?

Yamauchi: When I visited last year for an inspection tour, I was impressed by the sea view of Shonan and the atmosphere of the participants. . Unlike the marathon I had imagined, the atmosphere was open and refreshing. . This year, I myself am involved in the project and will actually run the marathon as a participant, so I hope to enjoy it from a different perspective than last year.

Westfield: I have participated in several other marathons, but the Shonan International Marathon has a very clean image. The My Bottle Marathon initiative is one of them. Also, I have participated in the Shonan International Marathon before and found the location to be very nice. The course is relatively flat and easy to run, so I think it is an easy challenge for a first full marathon.

Mr. Yamauchi (right) is wearing The North Face's "FREE RUN." collection. Other items cover the range from everyday jogging to full marathons and are suitable for my bottle marathon, "My Bottle Marathon.BASIC RUNThe North Face also offers a wide variety of running apparel, such as the "The North Face.

Shonan International Marathon offers not only the full marathon, but also the Fun Run (10 km, 2 km) and Run & Walk (1.4 km). What are your respective race goals and preparations?

Yamauchi: I will be participating in the fun run (10km). My goal is to run under 50 minutes. Recently, I have finally been able to increase the distance and run around 10 km, so I hope that my body will learn the feeling of running 10 km and I will be ready for the race.

Westfield: . I will be running a full marathon. I am running a full marathon for the first time in 4 years, so I would like to enjoy the race itself and finish it rather than just aiming for a fast time. . I am looking forward to running the race.


The 18th Shonan International Marathon

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