Back Alley Teen. 91, Maya Imamori, 17 years old.

Back Alley Teen. 91, Maya Imamori, 17 years old.

Back Alley Teen" is an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on young artists with a bright talent. The 91st artist to appear is Maya Imamori, the winner of the "Miss Maga 2023" Grand Prix. She has been attracting attention since winning the grand prix of "Miss Maga 2023," but in this photo shoot, she shows us her innocent side that even the rain can be her friend.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair & Make-up: Ayumi Tsuburaya
  • Edit_Yuri Sudo

Second Existence × as Standard] coveralls ¥27,500 (adonast 03-5456-5821), [Champion] hoodie ¥13,200 (Champion Brand House Shibuya Tokyo 03-5962-7600), other personal effects

(Queen and Jack) jumper skirt ¥217,800 (Esteem Press 03-5428-0928), (Tinsel's) blouse ¥20,900 (Differently, Ikebukuro Tobu Store 03-6709-1233), (Riedi)Boots 7,95Other personal items


Maya Imamori

Born on March 26, 2006, in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. 17-year-old active high school student. In 2023, she won the Grand Prix in "Miss Magazine 2023" sponsored by Kodansha's "Young Magazine" and appeared on the solo cover of "Young Magazine" in November. She was featured as a heroine in the Rohto Pharmaceutical web commercial released in March of the same year, and in the Recruit official corporate movie released in September of the same year. She also appears in many other music videos.
TikTok: atimamorimaya2
Instagram: @mayaimama04

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