Translated By DeepL

Maintenance of "movement" and "stillness" to regulate the mind and body - Part 2
MONTHLY JOURNAL Jan 2024 vol.2

Maintenance of "movement" and "stillness" to regulate the mind and body - Part 2

This year is the year to get healthy! But, as is often the case in January every year, it is difficult to take action. But in 2024, why don't you make this "this year" a reality? The secret to a healthy work life and a fulfilling personal life lies in daily workout and conditioning. We interviewed eight people who are practicing these skills! We will introduce the art of physical and mental maintenance from two perspectives: "movement," which involves physical exertion and sweat, and "stillness," which involves resetting the mind without putting a burden on the body. In the second part, we interviewed five people who incorporate "stillness" into their conditioning routines.

CONDITIONING 02. Yoga Talk to yourself through yoga .


that person

Born in Tokyo, Japan, he started his performing career in Japan in 2005 and moved to Taiwan in 2013 to expand his base of activities in Asia after a trip to Taiwan . Currently, she is back in Japan and expanding her base of activities to the U.S., Europe, and other countries. . By the way, she has an identical twin sister.
Instagram: @twins_anna

- How did you come to incorporate yoga into your life?

At first, I would often just say, "It feels good to do yoga," and never do it again. One day, when I wanted to learn more about the flow of energy for my acting studies, a friend invited me to try yoga. I went to a yoga class with a friend, and the moment when my breathing and body movements combined was a feeling I had never felt before. I thought, "What was that all about? That is how I became interested in yoga. I think it was also a big part of my enjoyment of feeling the circulation of energy and how I could use that energy in my performance.

- Have you noticed any changes in your body or mind since you started yoga?

I am now able to be conscious of my body in my daily life! . Even if it is only for 5 seconds, I can feel my body for a moment. Having learned to link my breathing with my body, I am now more conscious of my breathing in my daily activities.

- More and more people are incorporating yoga into their lives, what do you think are the reasons?

I myself am like that, but if I am not conscious of it, I tend to focus on external things, like my cell phone and so on. When I do notice it, my mind is often in a hurry. Yoga, on the other hand, is a time to stop and slowly feel and talk with your body, and I feel that the feeling of bringing yourself back to the place where you are fits the times we live in. I feel that this is a good fit for the current times.

- Are there any yoga events you would like to attend in the future?

I would like to go to an event where I can just concentrate on yoga in the great outdoors and in a place with no sound. . I would like to experience firsthand what kind of space that would be like.

Here are Ao's favorite products.

Tibetan incense

. This is a traditional Tibetan incense for meditation that I learned about when a friend gave it to me. I burn the incense almost every day to bring awareness to my breathing."

Taiwan Souvenirs

I bought this tingsha at a store that sells traditional Tibetan goods. I played all the tingsha in the store and decided on the one that I felt comfortable with (laughs). (Laughs) I use it when I want to listen to the spreading sound and increase my awareness.

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