Back Alley Teen. 92nd Kuwajima Kaisora, 19 years old.

Back Alley Teen. 92nd Kuwajima Kaisora, 19 years old.

Back Alley Teen" is an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on young artists with a bright talent. The 92nd artist to appear in this issue is Kuwashima Umizora. She is a talented artist who has graced the covers of numerous gravure magazines, but we were also drawn in by her fragile expression during the photo shoot.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair & Make-up: Ayumi Tsuburaya
  • Edit_Yuri Sudo

(Old Park) top ¥22,000 (HEMT PR03-6721-0882), fur stole ¥20,900 (Tito's Tokyo)Teat Tokyo), other personal items

shirt ¥26,400, [Clemens] sneakers ¥31,350 (both Bishop 03-5775-3266), [Balmung] top worn inside ¥35,200 (Esteem Press 03-5428-0928), other personal effects


Kuwajima Sea Airways

Born July 1, 2004 in Tokyo. As an actress and gravure idol, she has been talked about as a beautiful, unprocessed girl with a nostalgic feeling. She has appeared on the cover of Kodansha's "Young Magazine" and various other magazines. She was selected by Shueisha's Weekly Playboy as the winner of the "GRAJAPA! Award 2023, selected by Shueisha's Weekly Playboy.
TikTok: atmiku___2004
Instagram: @me_1480mm

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