Translated By DeepL

For all creators. Whitage and the four "me's".
WHITEÂGE for all creators.

For all creators.
Whitage and the four "I's".

Nowadays, everyone can do what they like. Each and every one of us can indulge ourselves in what we love, and in a sense, everyone is a creator. As various scenes blend together in our daily lives and we move freely back and forth, the amount of luggage we carry can increase. At such times, "WHITEÂGE," with its excellent storage capacity and lightweight luggage, can be your ally. Here we introduce four people who use "WHITEÂGE" in their own way to enrich their daily activities. Although their professions and hobbies may differ, their creative ways of using WHITEÂGE are surely applicable to "me" who is reading this article.

GEX Shoulder Bag with Yoshiro Sakuma Larger capacity than it looks. It can hold a script, paints, and everything else.


Shoro Sakuma / Actor

Her film "Far Away" was selected for the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the Czech Republic, where it garnered much attention. She is currently starring in the TV drama "Ouchiburu Koi no Yona Mono".

What made you start acting?

I used to work as an assistant to a fashion stylist, and when I was about 19 years old, I happened to be on the stage by chance. That's when I started to think that I wanted to stand out a little (laughs). (Laughs.) From there, I looked for an agency on my own.

How do you feel now that you have become an actor?

It's a lot of fun. I am the type of person who thinks in terms of 0 or 100, and rather than trying to fit in with others, I am more interested in what I like to do. I like to communicate with people, and as a prerequisite, I listen to what my co-stars and staff say on the job (laughs). For example, when it comes to creating a role, I like to read the script before going on set and approach the role from my own unique angle so that the director and other people around me will think, "Oh, so that's how you did it.

And you've been told that's not the case?

Of course there are. Now it is a matter of how to adjust for the differences. First of all, I think that actors who can give their 100 are the right fit for me.

Do you have anything in your private life that you can give "100" for?

Painting. I always liked (Jean-Michel) Basquiat, and when I started painting in imitation of him, I fell in love with painting itself. On my days off, I go to a café in the morning, make a rough sketch on a canvas, and when I am done, I go home and use acrylic paints, sprays, crayons, etc. to bring it closer to completion. If I want to paint on a large canvas, I take it to the park and just paint.

I am curious about your painting. Do you feel differently when you are doing a play?

It's a feeling of using a completely different brain. I'm concentrating on one side and the other side is concentrating on the other side, so maybe it's not a stress reliever (laughs). It's a lot of fun, and I feel a sense of fulfillment.

─ For you, when and in what situations does "Whitage" play an active role?

It is also insanely useful when traveling to the field or doing creative work. It is compact, but large enough to hold a script, a paperback book, a glasses case, a CD you bought on a whim, and so on. It also fits paints and sprays, so I can go painting in the neighborhood with a canvas in my hand.

GEX Shoulder Bag (L) ¥18,700

What are some of the points that you found interesting when you were using the product?

I like the way the straps are made to fit snugly to the body. I like the type of bag that sticks snugly to the body.

It also goes well with today's work style.

I often wear coveralls and vests like today. The colors are often earthy, such as brown and khaki. I like to wear rough and beautiful things together, so the combination of sophisticated black and design from "Whitesnake" fits my taste perfectly.



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