Translated By DeepL

What Jeff Mills says now on his 13th space journey.
THE TRIP -Enter The Black Hole

What Jeff Mills says now on his 13th space journey.

. darkness suddenly appeared on my thirteenth cosmic journey." The recently released song "Contradiction - Art Man in Brahman" by Jeff Mills and Jun Togawa is still ringing in my ears. This song was created for "THE TRIP - Enter The Black Hole-" on April 1, 2024. Under the theme of "Black Hole," the performance was based on Jeff's minimalistic soundscape, with video images and lighting by "COSMIC LAB," as well as a performance by the dancers. The performers' costumes were designed by Hiromichi Ochiai of "FACETASM," creating a total art form as a cosmic opera that took the audience on a journey through space. Why is Ochiai so interested in the universe? We will explore the mind of Jeff Mills with the keyword "black hole" at the center.

Various concepts can be expressed based on electro music.

Let's go back to "THE TRIP" again. This time, with the theme of "Black Hole," the theme was expressed not only through music, but also through the spatial production by "COSMIC LAB LAB", performances by dancers, and costumes by Hiromichi Ochiai of "FACETASM". What was your goal in creating this exhibition?

I wanted to mix art forms from various directions and disciplines to represent the Black Hole from different creative aspects. Surprisingly few projects have realized such a thing so far. . I feel that something like this should have been planned much earlier. I also hope that this performance will serve as an example and contribute to future collaborations in various fields.

What are the feelings behind such thoughts?

While technology has evolved, electro music has not evolved much in the past 30 years . I have my own concerns about this, as the culture of electro music has gone in the direction of raves and large music festivals when so much should have been done in the 80's. . . This has made it difficult for artists who make conceptual music to be active. Against this backdrop, I hope that more people will realize that it is possible to express various concepts based on electro music.

Jun Togawa was featured in the film. What is your impression of her?

. Actually, I had never heard of her until this project started. From there, I did a lot of research, watched her TV programs and music videos, and came to recognize her as a wonderful artist. So I am very happy to have been able to work with her on this project.

. she is able to express a very complex topic with excellent lyrics. My impression is that her approach, or rather her method, is very unique and excellent. Also, she and I are from the same generation: we were born in the 60's, learned various things in the 70's, and threw out various messages through our own expressive activities in the 80's. . . That commonality was also an important factor in our communication.

On the other hand, how was your collaboration with Mr. Ochiai of "FACETASM" who worked on the costumes?

. it was very wonderful. He had previous experience in costume design , so communication was very smooth. . I gave him my concept, and he interpreted it in his own way and incorporated it into the costume. He did a lot of research, and the result was a perfect costume. I am really happy .

Since the concept of this performance was to go through a black hole, I wanted to express the traces of the passage in the costumes as well. Passing through space at the speed of light naturally causes changes in the clothes. . He did a good job of expressing these phenomena.


Axis Records



The ultimate sound trip led by Jeff Mills. The new album, which has attracted much attention with the participation of Jun Togawa, will be released on CD and analog vinyl as well!