Translated By DeepL

What Jeff Mills says now on his 13th space journey.
THE TRIP -Enter The Black Hole

What Jeff Mills says now on his 13th space journey.

. darkness suddenly appeared on my thirteenth cosmic journey." The recently released song "Contradiction - Art Man in Brahman" by Jeff Mills and Jun Togawa is still ringing in my ears. This song was created for "THE TRIP - Enter The Black Hole-" on April 1, 2024. Under the theme of "Black Hole," the performance was based on Jeff's minimalistic soundscape, with video images and lighting by "COSMIC LAB," as well as a performance by the dancers. The performers' costumes were designed by Hiromichi Ochiai of "FACETASM," creating a total art form as a cosmic opera that took the audience on a journey through space. Why is Ochiai so interested in the universe? We will explore the mind of Jeff Mills with the keyword "black hole" at the center.

Fashion is like a second skin.

In recent years, you have appeared in a campaign for Jil Sander and composed music for a Dior show. Is such proximity to fashion a conscious effort?

No, that was just a coincidence of requests (laughs).

What role does fashion play in your life?

. something very important. . I believe that fashion is a second skin, or a skin that you can control and choose. You can express your character and personality through the clothes you wear, and you can also express your distance and understanding of the world through trends.

The process by which clothing is created is very similar to the process by which I create music. An idea is born, research is conducted, and a variety of information is acquired as a result. Then, I put what I have obtained into a single form. . This is also how I make music. Therefore, I gained a lot of inspiration from communicating with the designers this time. It was a very enjoyable time.

Music and clothing, in my opinion, are also tools of communication. Clothing is practical , but it also contains ideas. There are the designer's own ideas and messages directed to us, and when we receive them, we look for the direction we should head. I often receive these things when I wear clothes, and I feel a strong similarity with music.

. Finally, I think "THE TRIP" will continue as a project in the future.

. nothing concrete has been decided at this time. . Of course, if I am asked to do something, I will think about what to do next. I am also working on "CINE-MIX," a collaboration with an orchestra, and a jazz project, so I think it is best to do what I want to do when I want to do it, while keeping an open space to work on such projects. What is acceptable and what is not changes with the times, doesn't it? . So I want to create what is best at the time.


Axis Records



The ultimate sound trip led by Jeff Mills. The new album, which has attracted much attention with the participation of Jun Togawa, will be released on CD and analog vinyl as well!