Back Alley Teen. 97th member: Arino Izumi, 14 years old.

Back Alley Teen. 97th member: Arino Izumi, 14 years old.

Back Alley Teen" is an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on young artists with a bright talent. The 97th artist to appear is Arino Izumi. Her mature expression and outstanding style are so impressive that you can't help but fall in love with her.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair and makeup: Ayako Higashikawa
  • Edit_Yuri Sudo

(Nakashima Atsushi) Dress ¥79,200 ($79,200)Atsushi Nakashima(Stylist's personal effects), and other personal items

(BODYSONG) Coat ¥59,400Loop Tokyo(Descente Ortelaine) dress ¥33,000, shirt jacket ¥36,300 (both Descente Blanc Daikanyama, 03-6416-5989), other personal effects of the stylist

(Anderson Bell) Knit vest ¥38,610Loop Tokyo(both at Freaks Store Shibuya, 03-6415-7728), [Freaks Store] blouse ¥8,580, [Cimarron Jeans x Freaks Store] denim ¥15,950


Yuno Izumi

Born on July 12, 2010 in Tokyo, Japan. Born in Tokyo, she won the Photogenic Award at the 11th Japan Seifuku Awards in 2024. Her first TV drama, NHK's evening drama "Yuzuki-san-chi no Shiho-brothers. will begin airing on May 27 (Mon.).

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