12 accessories that may or may not be necessary, but are kind of nice to have.

12 accessories that may or may not be necessary, but are kind of nice to have.

A waist pouch, a pair of date glasses, a belt, and a scarf. They may or may not be necessary, but they are more comfortable, add a bit of depth, and are "something nice. HOUYHNHNM likes such fashion accessories. However, these accessories are quite profound. It requires more relative thinking than choosing ordinary clothes, and there is no formula for the right answer. But it is in these things that the wearer's individuality can be seen through. So, here are 12 "accessories that may or may not be necessary, but are nice to have," selected by the editorial staff at their own discretion and prejudice, with examples of what they are worn with and without.

Just add one.

Whether you've had your fill or not, how about these three? They can change the atmosphere of your outfit, add a touch of flair, or make you look bolder. If you can see the possibilities that eyewear holds, you will be able to enjoy fashion even more.

YUGEN #1" by Notino Optical

It's all about the vintage.
Damaged sweatshirts from old clothes are just rags as they are. That's why we want to change it up with eyewear. Bringing in the austerity of "NOCHINO OPTICAL's" thermonto eyewear is a perfect multiplication. The engraved parts and milled pattern give the eyewear a classical atmosphere, and the strength of the eyewear brings out the old clothes even more. Another feature of this eyewear is that it looks interesting from various angles, from the front, from the side, and from an angle. There is no way not to use them if they can raise your fashion to such a high level.
*Dimmable lenses (color change under UV) also available

NOCHINO OPTICAL Minami Aoyama Main Store

YA-001" by Yoshinori Aoyama

A well-calculated one.
I had honestly underestimated that there was a ceiling to the shape of eyewear, but a novel pair like this has appeared. The brand is Yoshinori Aoyama. Yoshimichi Aoyama, the designer of "FACTORY900," who is always striving to create something new, has launched this brand. This eyewear is the brand's standard model released in the fall of 2023, and its appeal lies in its three-dimensional form that eliminates decoration. The metal frames are made of pure titanium and exude intelligence. The flat half-rim holds the upper part of the lenses in place, creating a rare form with a sense of depth. For eyewear that combines complexity and simplicity, a rough printed T-shirt would be a good match.


BHM BK50" by ICU

Bold and spacy.
The Y2K fashion that is making waves can be adopted tomorrow with just one pair of these eyewear. The eyewear brand "I.C.U.," produced by "Fingalin," has released a pair of large squares. The matte, transparent gray frames are cool, and the pale turquoise clip accentuates the look. Because of the strong impression around the face, wearing tight and textured clothes like these will increase the sense of spaciousness. There are two types of lenses, and this is the thin one. They are light and comfortable to wear, which is exactly what modern people need as they move from city to city with light footwork.


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