Geeky Roundtable. Why did the three of us fall in love with waist pouches?

Geeky Roundtable. Why did the three of us fall in love with waist pouches?

Everyone knows that "waist pouches" have excellent functionality, but they have never made it into the mainstream of fashion. But they are somehow endearing. In order to uncover the appeal of such a by-play item, we have called together some of the best waist pouch lovers in the industry. Stylists, thrift shop owners, and press representatives all share their perspectives on what they love about the item, as well as their own collections of personal items. The more you know about them, the more interesting and profound they are. Maybe waist pouches are a good idea...
In this project, waist bags and hip bags are collectively referred to as waist pouches.


Matsukawa So ( Left )

Stylist, born in 1981 in Nagasaki. After studying under Atsushi Hashimoto, he became independent in 2011. He has a deep knowledge of both street fashion and traditional men's clothing, and has been featured in a number of popular fashion magazines, transcending the boundaries between tastes and generations. He owns about 15 waist pouches.
Instagram: @so_matsukawa


Ryosuke Akimoto ( Central )

Nerdy Dogs(Nerdy Dogs™︎)" store owner. born in 1992. After working as a buyer for a major select store, he opened the vintage clothing store "Nerdy Dogs" in Gotokuji in 2023, which mainly deals with 90's outdoor vintage clothing. Owns about 20 waist pouches.
Instagram: @nerdy__dogs


Daishi Nishino ( right )

〈NEAT(NEAT)〉Designer, representative of "Nishinoya" Born in 1983. Born in Awaji Island. After working as a press for Brooks Brothers, he became a freelance designer. After working as a press for Brooks Brothers, he became independent and launched the pants-only brand "NEAT" in 2015. Currently manages the press office "Nishinoya" and is also in charge of PR work for more than 20 brands in Japan and abroad. He owns about 10 waist pouches.
Instagram: @dddddaishi

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