Geeky Roundtable. Why did the three of us fall in love with waist pouches?

Geeky Roundtable. Why did the three of us fall in love with waist pouches?

Everyone knows that "waist pouches" have excellent functionality, but they have never made it into the mainstream of fashion. But they are somehow endearing. In order to uncover the appeal of such a by-play item, we have called together some of the best waist pouch lovers in the industry. Stylists, thrift shop owners, and press representatives all share their perspectives on what they love about the item, as well as their own collections of personal items. The more you know about them, the more interesting and profound they are. Maybe waist pouches are a good idea...
In this project, waist bags and hip bags are collectively referred to as waist pouches.

How I fell in love with it.

Let's start by talking about how you all got started. When did you start using waist pouches?

Westfield:Me, I prepped for today and it was from June 24, 2016. I posted on my instagram that I had been "waist pouching since grade school." So I've been into it for exactly 8 years.

Matsukawa:It is quite long.

Westfield:I think I probably saw a waist pouch being used for styling in a fashion issue of "Brutus" or something and thought, "Maybe," and started wearing it.

Matsukawa:Eight years ago, was that after you left Brooks Brothers?

Westfield:Yes, it was about the time we launched "Nishinoya. I am not sure if I remember correctly, but I did not have a very good belt at the time. As you can see from the photo, I was into the style of wearing large pants with a tight fit, and I thought it would be a good idea to have a belt that could also be used as a belt and accentuate the look.

Then, how about you, Matsukawa-san?

Matsukawa:I have two reasons. The first is that it was an essential item for stylist assistants. I have been using this waist bag ((, see image below) since I was 26 years old, and it has been passed down from one assistant to another. The other item was a snapshot project called "The Caccoman" in the magazine "Boon (BOON )," which featured Keigo Oyamada and others, and I thought it was cool that he used a waist bag. I use "Porter" for work, and "Patagonia" for myself, and I use them according to capacity and functionality.

Westfield:I miss it. There it is....

Matsukawa:Lately, I've been seeing articles from past magazines on Instagram and such. I thought it was cool to see them now. That's not necessarily the roots of my work, but it was my original experience.

What about you, Akimoto-san?


Westfield:How could you come out in this stream ( lol )

Akimoto:I don't wear it, but I like it as an item.

Matsukawa:Don't you do it when you buy something?

Akimoto:Yes, I rarely do that. I often carry a large bag for work, and such bags usually have only one pocket, so I put my wallet or something in a waist pouch and use it like a bag-in-a-bag.

Westfield:I see.

Akimoto:But I like the shape so much that I collect them.

Westfield:It's very collector-like.

Akimoto:I like bags more than clothes or anything else.

Westfield:I know what you mean. When I was sorting through my stuff yesterday, I realized how many bags I had.


Westfield:Yes, they are small, and I kind of want to collect them.

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