Geeky Roundtable. Why did the three of us fall in love with waist pouches?

Geeky Roundtable. Why did the three of us fall in love with waist pouches?

Everyone knows that "waist pouches" have excellent functionality, but they have never made it into the mainstream of fashion. But they are somehow endearing. In order to uncover the appeal of such a by-play item, we have called together some of the best waist pouch lovers in the industry. Stylists, thrift shop owners, and press representatives all share their perspectives on what they love about the item, as well as their own collections of personal items. The more you know about them, the more interesting and profound they are. Maybe waist pouches are a good idea...
In this project, waist bags and hip bags are collectively referred to as waist pouches.

What do you like about waist pouches?

What do you think is attractive about waist pouches?


Akimoto:It is true that many seniors in the vintage clothing stores have waist bags.


It fits all the minimum necessary luggage.

Westfield:When you go abroad, the most important thing is to protect yourself from theft, not to mention fashion. The waist area is convenient because it is highly security-conscious and you don't have to keep your hands full.


Westfield:By the way, how often does So-san put it on?

Matsukawa:I don't know. About eight a week? (Laughs)

Westfield:There are days when I use two in a day. I'm a total heavy-waistporter (laughs).

Matsukawa:It's simply that I forget a lot of things (laughs). But I did indeed remove it on the day of my child's visit.

Westfield:You're embarrassed (laughs).

Matsukawa:That's right. But I knew it would be easy.

Westfield:It is also easy to use when traveling by car. You can just pop it on the passenger seat, and it doesn't take up much space.

How often do you put it on?


Matsukawa:It is easy to use as an accent when you are wearing light clothing.

Westfield:Yes, I do. Assuming that you don't wear many Akimoto-san, how many do you have?


Westfield:ぼくより全然持ってますよ! ぼくでも10個ぐらいなので。


Akimoto:Yes, I have. Most of the things I have never used.

Westfield:What a waste!

Are the functional aspects of the product the main point?


What do you do with your folding umbrella on days when rain is forecast?




I didn't expect that we would have that in common.

Akimoto:I want to be as light as possible.

Westfield:I understand. Except in the case of a downpour, if it is a light rain, I think it is enough to wear "Arc'teryx" and a hood.

Matsukawa:I think the sunshade hat I'm wearing today is also an umbrella (laughs).

That's a Western way of thinking (laughs).


I think the premise is that women don't like you. You are not concerned about that...?

Matsukawa:If someone is trying to be popular through fashion, he/she might not want to look at this article too much (laughs).

Westfield:Before talking about the waist pouch, there is the fact that I was not popular in the first place, and when I took off the waist pouch, what do you mean? It's not the first time I've done that (laughs).

Matsukawa:I guess so. I find old men walking around Setagaya wearing polo shirts, mesh caps, and waist pouches attractive, but I don't think they would be considered cool by a guy who wants to be popular.

I agree that there is a difference in the base (laughs). From now on, let's talk about waist pouches without regard to popularity.

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