Translated By DeepL

Tumi's carry-on case, a good travel companion . Three different ways to use it.
Have a good trip with TUMI.

Tumi's carry-on case, a good travel companion . Three different ways to use it.

Since its establishment, Tumi has been trusted by business people and travelers around the world. Tumi's luggage is not only easy to store and maneuverable, but also well-designed, and reflects the traveler's every need. In this issue, we asked a fashionable traveler how he or she uses a Tumi carry-on case. We asked Shota Ikeya, Ryohei and Marie Mizuno, and Takashi Kinoshita to create their own carrying cases for their regular and upcoming trips. We will unravel the personalities and ways to enjoy traveling that can be seen from their packing, as well as the appeal of Tumi's carry-on cases.

STYLE 03_Homare Kinoshita . like leather and denim, we want to enjoy the changes over time.


Apparel buyer, manager

. After gaining apparel experience at a local select store, he moved to Tokyo. After leaving the select store "1LDK," she worked as a buyer and manager at "Cliche. His daily fashion and lifestyle on his Instagram are also popular.

-How often do you travel?

Under the trees: . maybe two or three times a year.

-What kind of travel do you usually do?

Under the trees: I'm a little bad at going to crowded places , I like hot springs and hokans. I am not good at making plans. I like to go somewhere on a whim, and decide where to go when I get there. But recently, under the influence of my wife, I have been traveling abroad more and more. Last year, we went to Thailand as a couple.

-I'm sure it's a good idea! What kind of trip did you envision packing for this time?

Under the trees: I am going to Seoul, Korea for 2 nights and 3 days, so I packed while imagining that trip.

-Are you good at packing?

Under the trees: It's hard to get there and say, "I don't have that!" . It's hard for me to be like that, and I pack as much as I can fit in my bag, so I have a lot of luggage. . That's why I'm not good at packing, in fact, I hate it (laughs). (Laughs.) I have a hard time deciding what to wear, or I want to put this piece of clothing in but it doesn't fit, and the day before the trip I always think, "Oh no, what am I going to do? The day before the trip, I am always like, "Oh my God, what am I going to do!

-I guess you have a lot of clothes. How do you prioritize when you can't fit in them , and how do you prioritize them?

Under the trees: Once I gather a batch of clothes I want to wear , I try to pack them. If I can't fit them all in, I will reduce them somehow, considering the number of days and variations in the combination of items . . Then, I also reduce the number of caps and other small items.

-So let's get right to it, let's take a look inside! Can you tell us about the particulars and innovations of your luggage?

Under the trees: I want to enjoy fashion there as much as I usually do, so I bring a selection of my favorite things. . It would be a waste of time if I had to worry about the weather, so I'll just ignore it (laughs). I always dress in a variety of styles, but this time, I put together a collection of clothes with a rather similar atmosphere. . What I am particular about is the color scheme. Red and green as a color scheme.

-What is particularly unique to Kinoshita-san among fashion items?

Under the trees: Cap, glasses, jacket and denim , sweatshirt, jersey ....... I would like to say all of them, but glasses and caps are my icons, so they are indispensable in my travels. I usually have 3 or 4 caps in my work bag as well.

-I was surprised to see 7 caps in 3 days and 2 nights (laughs). Do you decide which one to wear for the fashion finish?

Under the trees: After all of the items are coordinated, we add colors and logo items at the end , and match them with shoes.

-Please give me the details of the clothing.

Under the trees: Lately I like to wear a jacket and denim together , and I can't take it off when I travel. A denim jacket that can be worn with denim and a set-up, an easy jersey, a sweatshirt, and 3 tank tops since I am a tank top person. The rest is sneakers.

-Jacket even on a trip! Lovely . Basically, are you thinking of wearing it in any combination?

Under the trees: Yes, it can go with any combination. Personally, I like to match a classic outfit like a jacket with an Adidas jersey. . In terms of clothing, I like to match things that would never cross paths. . Sweatshirts and jackets, vintage clothes and high-brand glasses, and so on.

-Please tell us about the glasses.

Under the trees: Bottega Veneta, Ralph Lauren and Lauren, and Ten Ivan" sunglasses. Ten. Ivan comes with an eyeglass case and leather case bag.

-How do you always choose your glasses?

Under the trees: Whether you have your hair up or down in the front , the glasses you wear will depend on your hair type alone that day. If my cap is too assertive, I may choose a pair with a thin frame. These Bottega Veneta glasses are my recent favorite. They are not bland no matter who I meet with, and they are also useful in situations where I don't want to make a strong impression with my glasses.

-What else is in it?

Under the trees: . like a film camera, comic books, and headphones. And a computer for work, skin care and hair stuff, a pouch with perfume, etc.

-Do you take a lot of pictures?

Under the trees: . because of my job, I take coordinated pictures every day , and I like it.

Under the trees: Actually, my family is a photo studio, and this camera was given to me by my grandfather. When I travel, I enjoy taking pictures of people, scenery, and food.

-Do you have any feelings about the manga "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure"?

Under the trees: It's my favorite manga. Among them, this volume is my favorite, so I thought I would bring it with me as a good-luck charm.

-Thank you very much . Have you ever used a Tumi suitcase or bag before?

Under the trees: First time!

-You mentioned earlier that you are not good at packing, how did you feel when you put your luggage in?

Under the trees: . I was actually worried about whether I could store it well. . but it fits well and was a lot of fun to put it in. I like that there are dividers on both sides. It makes it look nicer. The dividers have wide edges, which keeps the contents from popping out. I was able to push the dividers inward with a tight fit, so even though I have a lot of baggage, I was able to pack it comfortably.

-How do you like the design?

Under the trees: I was just thinking about a silver suitcase. I thought "Tumi" was overwhelmingly stylish. You can tell it's a good one at a glance. The design around the keys is clean and cool. The brand's logo is subtle and blends in well with the overall design, which I personally like. It's very attractive.

-The exterior is made of aluminum, a material that is easily dented, but this gives it a taste and allows it to change over time.

Under the trees: They seem to be getting more and more rugged and austere. Until now, I didn't really associate suitcases with aging. . I like leather and denim, so if I choose something, I want to choose something that I can enjoy aging.

-Both the top and side handles are leather.

Under the trees: The handles are leather, which is cool. The handle fits my hand and is easy to grip . I also found it convenient that the height of the handle can be adjusted in three different positions.

-. The designer of "Tumi" is a car enthusiast and is particular about the sound when opening it. Please try opening it if you like.

Under the trees: Amazing! It sounds kind of massive and luxurious!

-You mentioned that your next trip is to Korea , is there any other scene you would like to use it for?

Under the trees: It will be useful for the shoot. And then there is the trip back home. My parents live in Mie Prefecture , but I think a Tumi suitcase will make the trip home smoother. . The suitcase I have now is too big for me. . On the other hand, if I use a larger bag, it would be too heavy and my hands would be torn off. It might be a good idea to train myself to reduce my luggage as much as possible by pushing it to this size (laughs). It would also make me a better packer.

19 DEGREE ALUMINUM International Carry On ¥198,000

Ideal size for short trips such as 1 to 2 nights . The cool exterior is made of lightweight, aircraft-standard aluminum material. Die-cast caps on the corners protect against impact. The interior also has dividers on both sides for organized storage. , with leather on the top and side handles.

Also check out the article in the sibling magazine GIRL HOUYHNHNM!