Translated By DeepL

Thinking of Tuna and Bonito. Huinamu Fishing Club runs around Sagami Bay.
Chasing the dream

Thinking of Tuna and Bonito. Huinamu Fishing Club runs around Sagami Bay.

The Huynem Fishing Club has caught a wide variety of fish species, with black bass at the top of the list. It is full of romance to interact with fish living in a different world underwater, making full use of lures and bait. Any kind of fishing is fun, but this time we went to Sagami Bay in pursuit of even more dreams. I was aiming to catch tuna and bonito, which are familiar fish on the dinner table and the object of angler's admiration! I was excited to catch a big one, and the fishing trip began.

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii

Bigger size than I dreamed of.

This time, we will be targeting yellowfin tuna and Hongatsuo. Yellowfin tuna, in particular, have become increasingly popular in recent years as a big target that can be caught in Sagami Bay in summer, and there are many ways to catch them. Moreover, it is said that this year's fishing has been good from early in the season, and the fish are being caught frequently! The average size of yellowfin tuna is 20 to 30 kilograms, and there have been catches of tuna over 50 kilograms. It is amazing that such a big fish can be caught in Sagami Bay, so close to the center of the city. No wonder so many anglers are crazy about it.

We gathered at a fishing port in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, at 5:00 in the morning when it was slightly drizzling with rain. There were some waves, but no problem for setting sail. We loaded our gear onto the boat in anticipation. The four of us chasing tuna and bonito together this time were connected through TUNAGI JAPAN, a vintage clothing store in Jinnan, Shibuya. When they catch a great catch, they will have it processed at the store and everyone will enjoy it together!

Yosuke Ishii (2nd right)
HOUYHNHNM, Editor-in-Chief.
Director of the Finamu Fishing Club. Tuna is the ultimate goal that I have always wanted to catch someday. It's also the dream of the Hui-Nam Fishing Club, and I want to be the first to bring tuna to Hui-Nam (laughs). (laughs) I hear it's not so easy to catch tuna, but there are eight of us going after it, so if one of us catches it, all the best."

Yasuyuki Murayama (3rd right)
F-LAGSTUF-F Designer
He loves fishing so much that he collaborated with a fishing manufacturer in "Flagstaff," which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. I finally managed to catch yellowfin tuna using a lure off the coast of Katsuura in May of this year after losing six in a row last year. Today, I prepared the same tackle with the same setup as that time. It looks like the fishing is good off Odawara, so I have high hopes."

Kota Komatsu (middle)
As a freelance fashion model, she has appeared in brand looks, advertisements and on the runway. She says, "I like outdoor activities like camping and festivals, but the only outside activity I haven't done is fishing. This is my first time, but I want to fish more than anyone else. Above all, my favorite sushi item is tuna, so I'm glad I got to try it this time!"

Genki Izawa (3rd left)
In 2013, he opened "TUNAGI JAPAN," which deals with archives of American and Euro vintage clothing and luxury brands. He also produces the brand "GEN IZAWA. I am from Kyoto, so I used to fish for bass in Lake Biwa when I was in junior high and high school, but this is my first time sea fishing. I've been looking forward to catching fish that I can eat.

Melina Inahara (2nd left)
He has worked on a wide range of projects, mainly fashion, but also still photography for dramas and movies, sports, and more. I've done some bank fishing before, but this will be my first time doing real boat fishing, so I'm very excited about it. I've only ever caught small fish, so my goal is to catch a 100-centimeter tuna! It's a rare and precious opportunity, so I'm going to enjoy it."

Tomomi Matsuba (left)
Nail artist/model
In July of this year, he opened a nail studio and store "muoy" in Yutenji. He also works as a model and actor. I haven't fished since I was in elementary school. I still have happy memories of going out on a raft on a boat and catching sea bream and hairtail. I want to enjoy fishing for the first time in more than ten years. I've heard it's difficult to catch tuna, so I'll just be lucky if I catch one."

Shogo Komatsu (right)
He writes mainly for fashion and web magazines. He has written for fashion magazines, web magazines, and other publications. Can you catch a tuna when it hits? I've been studying on YouTube to learn all I can about tuna fishing. If I catch tuna, I will brag about it to my grandchildren."

Fumihiko Ikemoto
He is active in magazines, websites, and advertisements, and also does outdoor photography. I never thought I would finally get to try my hand at tuna and bonito," he said. It's the first time for me to try to catch them, so I think it will be difficult to find the right way to lure them and match them. But I think someone will catch them. It doesn't even have to be that big, I just hope I can catch one."