FEATURE|A day of VANS JACK. What VANS and JOURNAL STANDARD brought to the city through SHIBUYA AFTER SCHOOL.


A day of VANS JACK.

What VANS and JOURNAL STANDARD have brought to the city through SHIBUYA AFTER SCHOOL .

the other dayNEWSAs announced in the "VANS" magazine, the "SHIBUYA AFTER SCHOOL" organized by Vans and JOURNAL STANDARD was held on August 20, 2012. The event was held as part of the "VANS JACK" event held at the JOURNAL STANDARD Shibuya store. Although Tokyo had been experiencing record-breaking rainfall, the weather stayed cloudy in Shibuya on that day, and many people came to enjoy the event.

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Edit_Yuichiro Tsuji

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Many people gathered at "SHIBUYA CAST.

Tokyo has been hit by a record-breaking series of rainfalls. Many people must have been feeling a heavy mood due to the dull weather. However, August 20 was a little different in Shibuya. The "SHIBUYA AFTER SCHOOL" held at "SHIBUYA CAST.", a new landmark in Shibuya, brought life to the town and smiles to people.


The "SHIBUYA AFTER SCOOL" event held on this day was realized by "Journal Standard" in cooperation with the Shibuya Ward. A variety of contents were prepared, making the holiday more fulfilling not only for those who came for the event, but also for the many people who walked the streets of Shibuya.

A skate ramp suddenly appeared at SHIBUYA CAST.


The main event of the event was a skating school for children. A special skate ramp was set up in the plaza in front of the building, attracting the attention of people walking around town. Many adults must have been soothed by the sight of children, both those who had never skated before and those who had not, frolicking together in the same ramp.

Some of the kids were skateboarding well, and some of them were even saying, "Let me skate three more times! and some children begged their mothers, "Let me skate three more times! and some children begged their mothers, "Let me skate three more times! I was reminded of the simple, yet robust appeal of skating, which is to "skate comfortably.


On the day of the event, the children were gently guided by members of "Cheeses," a Yokohama-based group that promotes the appeal of skating and BMX. Their gentle instruction tailored to each child's level was impressive.

."We hold a skating school on the last Sunday of the month from April to November at the skating plaza in the Nissan Stadium in Shin-Yokohama. We teach the children the basic movements of skating as well as its charm and fun, and some of them have become professional riders after attending this school. We explain gear to the fathers and mothers, and ask them to use the best skates possible so that the children can enjoy skating for a long time. I'm happy if they can see how their children are progressing.


Vans' unique and extensive content.

Vans, the organizer of the event, held a "waffle sole toss" at its booth.


Participation is free, and even if you don't win any points, you will receive a sticker as a participation prize. Even adults struggled with the difficulty of the game, but some children threw their soles cheerfully and won the prizes. By the way, there were three prizes: a Vans cap, a pen case, and sunglasses.


Next to the waffle sole toss, a workshop will also be held. The content of the workshop was to allow participants to design their own "Authentic," a model synonymous with the brand. The workshop was unique in that participants could draw their own designs on a piece of paper, which they could then read with their smartphones to create their own "Authentic" on the screen.


Another thing not to forget is this one, which was distributed as a novelty on the day of the event. Waffle Sole waffles. The taste of these humorous snacks is one of the best I've ever tasted. They were a big hit with the children and adults alike.


Three unique artists who made the event a success.

Speaking of skating, as you all know, it is inseparable from art. Once again, three artists participated in the event, and it was impressive to see them interacting with visitors.


On this day, white "Vans" sneakers were on sale, and each artist offered to apply his or her own artwork to them. Masanao Hirayama, a well-known artist at HOUYHNHNM's, painted his signature surrealistic graphics on a canvas of a pair of slip-on shoes. The pure white sneakers and Mr. Hirayama's simple graphics were a perfect match. Even if you don't wear them, you will want to display them in your home.


This is DISKAH, a skater and photographer. His pop and creative graphics, which only a street culture expert like him can create, stimulate the imagination.


A silkscreen print of DISKAH's graphic on a satchel was also available for sale. In contrast to the sneakers mentioned earlier, this one has cute and humorous graphics on it. The item is easy to use not only for men , but also for women and children.


The artist who was doing live painting using spray paint was sosnzk, who works mainly in Tokyo. Collaborating with apparel brands and doing installations in restaurants, sosnzk is a young but promising artist with solid skills.


.". Since this is a skating event, I am going to paint pictures of kids at the skate park," he said. The artist gave outlines with a pen to the abstract preliminary sketches spray-painted, and as the motifs became more and more concrete, the audience could enjoy the realistic feeling that only live painting can provide.


Here is the final result. A pizza character named "Delicious Men" watches over the skaters. If you look closely, you can see the gradation of colors sprayed on to give the scene a sense of depth. . Also, pay attention to the feet of the characters.

So, up to this point, we have reported on the day's events. The "SHIBUYA AFTER SCHOOL" was filled with smiles and fun for adults and children alike. Shibuya may have a strong image of being a shopping district, but it is also a "cultural district" that has given birth to a variety of culture. Events such as this one, which connected both shopping and culture, brought vitality to the town, created encounters between people, and gave birth to a new culture.

."Journal Standard" plans to continue working hand in hand with Shibuya Ward to implement new initiatives in the future. Although it is not yet clear what it will be, we can be sure that it will be a unique and interesting project. Let's look forward to the announcement.

Next, the location was moved to "JOURNAL STANDARD Shibuya" to report on the "VANS JACK" held at the store.
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