The never-ending quest for "design" held by the creative director of TUMI.

Voyage of Design

Tumi's creative director's never-ending quest for design.

Tumi is a global brand that has gained the support of people all over the world. Victor Sands, creative director of this business and travel bag brand, recently visited Japan. What are the main principles behind the design of Tumi's items, which support comfortable daily travel with their excellent design and practical functions from the user's point of view? To find out, we paid a visit to Mr. Tumi.

  • Photo_Taro Hirayama
  • Edit_Yuichiro Tsuji
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Victor Sands / Creative Director, TUMI

. graduated with a degree in Industrial Design from the Pratt Institute, an art school in New York City, where he graduated at the top of his class. After graduating with top honors from the Pratt Institute, he worked in product design at Eastman Kodak Company, where he won numerous awards in the digital camera field. 2003, he joined Tumi, where he designed various collections. In 2003, he joined Tumi, where he designed various collections. He left Tumi temporarily for other projects, but returned in 2009 to become the brand's Creative Director in 2016.

Tumi's "Customer First" philosophy.

Victor, you were originally in charge of product design at Kodak, weren't you?

Victor.: Yes. . I studied industrial design when I was a student. After working at Kodak, my interest in various fields of design expanded, and I began to think that I wanted to incorporate the essence of fashion into product design. I am now realizing this wish at Tumi.

What kind of image did you originally have of Tumi?

Victor.. a premium brand focused on the businessman, right . Not only the products themselves, but also the attention to detail, and they are loved by their users. I had that impression. When I joined Tumi, I thought that the brand is always thinking of its customers. We have a thorough "customer first" philosophy. We provide our customers with the best bags that combine good design and overwhelming quality. And we are not satisfied with the status quo, but keep an innovative mindset to create new excitement. These two points are the core of our activities.

You are currently working as a creative director for a brand, what exactly do you do?

Victor.. I am in charge of leading the design team. I coordinate various things so that they can maximize their creativity. We have a lot of ideas that come in and out of our studio every day, and we take the best of them. . and when an idea takes shape as a product, I come up with the story to bring it to the customer. This is also my job. I put a lot of effort into things other than product, such as store design, to make sure that the item's appeal comes alive.

What exactly is the story that Tumi wants to tell its customers?

Victor.Innovate and Elevate. This is the story I am telling as Creative Director of Tumi. Through our products, we change and innovate everyday life . And improve people's lives. Everyday life shines brighter when you use Tumi products. That's what I'm trying to make our customers believe.

Nowadays, the world is getting smaller. It is easy to get on a plane and go abroad, and we can communicate with many people through social networking sites. Similarly, our customers have a global perspective and travel to all kinds of places on a daily basis. What do they think and what do they need? I believe it is our mission to understand and support them.

How has the brand changed since Victor joined Tumi in 2003?

Victor.I mentioned earlier that Tumi had an image of being a businessman, but we have created a fashionable category to reach out to young people, and we are also creating items that focus on women. Until now, Tumi has been known simply as a bag brand, but now I think we have succeeded in adding the image of a brand that enriches people's lives.

What was important was to incorporate Tumi's DNA of quality, function, and design into every item. We must always keep in mind the desire to make daily transportation smooth and easy.

The world is in flux . It is important to grasp that flow.

What do you value most in your work?

Victor.. not to be complacent , right? To the customer, is this really inspirational? Is it really useful? I am always thinking about these things. I am always looking for the best.

For example, when designing an item, do you have a standard that you are "OK with"?

Victor.. hmmm ... , it's difficult to say. I think that being a designer is a profession in which one can never be satisfied. . This does not mean that we are not confident in our products, but we always approach design with a sense of scepticism. . which is the source of our power to make things better.

Where do you get your inspiration and inspiration?

Victor..: I am conscious of looking at different views on a regular basis. I broaden my antennae to different fields and take in all kinds of information. Space engineering, automobiles, architecture, music, food, people's conversations . Everything inspires me.

For example, some of our bags have an "add-a-bag sleeve" feature. The idea is to make it easier to carry luggage by putting the handle of a carry-on case through here. . This was born out of someone's dissatisfaction with their everyday bag, which I happened to overhear. . I thought that it was indeed inconvenient to hold the bag in one hand and carry the carry case in the other. So I set out to solve that problem.

If you focus your gaze on only one point, you will never know what is happening around you. The world is in flux, and it is important to be interested in many things to catch the flow. Ideas are lying around in all sorts of places. . That's why I always keep a sketchbook with me. . so that I can take notes at any time, even when I am not working.

What do you write in that sketchbook?

Victor..: I can't show you everything, but this page will do. . depicted here is the design of the metal fittings that are attached to the carrying case. I have designed it to look beautiful with attention to detail. . This is one of the ideas that came to me recently.

. You have been very meticulous in designing these details, haven't you?

Victor.For us, a suitcase and a cell phone case are the same "product. The material size is different, but the passion we put into developing them is the same. The same is true for all of the items we offer at Tumi.

Always deliver the best products to our customers .

. Finally, do you have any ideas for the future of the brand?

Victor.. One of the first is to further enhance our women's items. We are trying to understand women's lifestyles and provide them with valuable items that fit their needs. . I would also like to draw your attention to the premium category. In this line, we also make accessories such as recharging batteries. These are things that people use without much thought, but when leather is used, they become premium items. We are aiming to sublimate such everyday items in this category.

long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana)

Victor.Of course, you can also look forward to Tumi's regular lineup. We will continue to release only the best products, and we will not change the DNA of the brand that has been passed down from generation to generation.

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