Today's Huynemuz

90's Umbro nylon shorts that are perfect for rainy days and tropical nights.

Will it rain today? . Every day, checking the weather forecast is indispensable. . On rainy days, it is hard to move around, and on hot days, you feel tired all day long. . Above all, during the rainy season, it is really difficult to choose the right clothes.

I thought these nylon shorts from Umbro in the 1990s would come in handy during such seasons. The navy nylon material, which can be worn regardless of the weather, is covered with a pattern known as a checkered flag or checkerboard pattern.

In recent years, "Umbro" has a fashionable image, but back then, it had a strong image of being worn by real soccer fans and hooligans who watched TV. How about adding a touch of the atmosphere of those days, when culture and fashion were closely connected, to spice up your summer fashion, which tends to be simple? It goes great with a white T-shirt, too.

The size XL is a bit large , perfect for the rainy season and summer when steaminess is a concern. . Squeeze the drawstring to make the summer comfortable and amazing.

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