
Translated By DeepL

Today's Huynemuz

Elle Bean's sour blouson, but with a modern twist!

In the popular Series "So, What is NEW VINTAGE?L.L BEAN" was featured in the "L.L. BEAN" article in the "L.L. Bean" section of this newsletter. Among the vast lineup of products, there is certainly something that always catches my attention.

I was totally won over by the color of this blouson this time around. If I wore this blouson normally, it would look totally dud. It's a dud duddy duddy duddist! (unintelligible)

I think this is a piece of clothing that is the best parts of America, outdoor brands, and knot fashion all rolled into one.

It would be hard to wear it as it is with denim and bean boots, so how about a session with some tropical wool gray slacks? . How about a pair of 80's All-Stars on your feet?

Click here for product details


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