Translated By DeepL

A powerful attitude that pushes forward. Standard California's season movie is now available.


Ebisu's famous restaurant that embodies the atmosphere of West Coast culture without blurring the lines and proposes a cheerful lifestyle.STANDARD CALIFORNIA." "This season's creation, titled "GO AHEAD," is also a neat creation.

The image movie of this remarkable 2017 AW season has been released. . Please take a look at it first.

The concept of the movie is here.

This work expresses the "attitude," "momentum," and "feeling" of moving forward in the two polarized settings of the city and nature. In the city, we see the momentum of things created by humans, and in nature, on the other hand, we see the momentum woven by nature, which humans can never overcome. The dynamic light and shadow, and the sophisticated sound (rhythm) of "BLACK YARD TRIO" will be delivered to you.

The first half of the video is a black-and-white "shadow" effect, interspersed with perfectly timed looks. The second half is in full color, showing the power of light woven by nature that transcends human knowledge. The beauty of the way the video ends with a single road in the background is also a word of praise.

You are fascinated by the season's movie and visit the store. Isn't such a way of shopping also quite a nice thing to do?

Text_Rei Kawahara


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