Translated By DeepL

Neon lights appear one after another in the city. There are also wonderful illuminations in Shinjuku.


December is just around the corner. People passing by in the city are busy with the cold weather, and before you know it, it will be New Year's Eve with the bells ringing. Many of you may be thinking that this is the one year you would like to take it easy and enjoy Christmas.

The one thing that makes Christmas even more exciting is, of course, the illumination. It may be time to start talking about where to go this year. This time, we would like to introduce an illumination that has appeared at the west exit of Shinjuku, a major metropolis in Tokyo.


A few minutes through the underground passageway of Shinjuku Station will lead you to the Shinjuku NS Building, a high-rise tower. The illumination "AQUARIUMCHRISTMAS 2017" currently being held here is a special space created based on the unique idea of being under the sea. The shimmering blue light and white veil will make you lose track of time.

The biggest attraction of Shinjuku is its location, making it easy to go and see the illumination while you are shopping, etc. . Keep in mind the wonderful illuminations in Shinjuku.

Text_Rei Kawahara

Location: Shinjuku NS Building, 1F Atrium, North Exit Front, Sunken Garden , 29F
Address: Shinjuku NS Building, 4-1, Nishi-Shinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Period: Monday, November 20 - Monday, December 25, 2017
Planning/Direction/Decoration/Construction: Togashi Co.

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