Translated By DeepL

This is the third collaboration between illustrator Hiroshi Nagai and Speed, depicting a special winter.


The swimwear brand was founded in Australia in 1928.Speedo. . has just released its latest collaboration with illustrator Hiroshi Nagai, known for his work on Eiichi Otaki's album cover "A LONG VACATION.

This collaboration was announced last year and this summer, but this is the first time it will be released in winter. The new illustration is based on the image of a pool in December at Bondi Beach in Australia, the birthplace of the brand.


T-shirt ¥5,000+TAX each


Tote bag ¥4,000+TAX each


Water proof pouch ¥3,400+tax each

Santa Claus visits on his surfboard, and there is a Christmas tree by the pool in the southern hemisphere. The poolside Christmas tree was used to represent a small night's rest for the swimmers after their summer Christmas training.

It is true that summer is in full swing in Australia right now . It must be Hiroshi Nagai's skill to make the neon lights of the city, the shimmering pool water, and the glittering Christmas tree look so compatible and enchanting. ThisSeriesBut as we mentioned in the introduction, the editorial team is quite interested in the pouch.

Text_Rei Kawahara


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