Translated By DeepL

What is "NK LOVE," the charity store opening in Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, the Mecca of fashion?


."NK LOVEHave you ever heard of an organization called "Inamuragasaki Beach Cleanup"? It is a non-profit organization that aims to contribute to the creation of a mature society where people with disabilities and all those who support them can live vibrantly through activities such as the "Inamuragasaki Beach Cleanup," "Circle Activities for Parents and Children," and the "Kokoromi Gakuen" Bus Tour.

At the end of April 2018, "NK LOVE" will open a "charity store" in Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.

Clothing and other items donated by companies and individuals are managed and sold by people with disabilities, their supporters, and volunteers, providing a place to work, and the proceeds are distributed. The proceeds are then distributed to those who are living in welfare facilities for people with disabilities and those who have registered with NK LOVE.

Originally, "charity stores" evolved from the Salvation Army, which was founded in the mid-19th century, and the Red Cross, which sold used clothing at low prices to the poor during World War II.

in the United Kingdom.Mary's Living & Giving Shop for Save the ChildrenThe "charity shops" in the United Kingdom are very well-stocked with brand new items. There are currently over 11,200 charity stores in the United Kingdom, making it one of the leading countries in this field.

And a trial event is being held in advance of the opening at the end of April.


Here's a look at the first event held on January 27-28 (Sat.-Sun.) The second event on February 24-25 (Sat. and Sun.) will focus on ladies' items, and on March 31 (Sat.) and April 1 (Sun.), kids' items will be the main items available.

In addition to the charity store, "NK LOVE" also offers "workshops" to make the leisure activities of people with disabilities more bright, fashionable, and meaningful.

In addition, we are also looking into the following four areas: "Factory" to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities to support their social and economic independence; "Support" to actively promote mobility and employment assistance for people with disabilities to enter and participate in a broad range of society; "Food" to support food businesses operated with people with disabilities; and "Group Home" to accommodate people with disabilities. Food" to support food businesses operated with people with disabilities, and "group homes" to accommodate people with disabilities.

This kind of action through fashion is surely something that HOUYHNHNM's readers will feel as well. Please visit us.

Text_Ryo Komuta

Charity store "NK LOVE" trial
Venue: club NK
Address: 301 Villa Gloria, 2-31-7 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Dates: February 24 (Sat.)-25 (Sun.), March 31 (Sat.)-April 1 (Sun.)
Hours: 11:00-17:00
Products: Clothing, fashion accessories, tableware, vegetables, food, etc.
Product price range: 100-15,000 yen

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