Translated By DeepL

Lift-Etage reborn. A must-see for fashion and art lovers alike.


The famous store, "Daikanyama", has long been a favorite of fashion connoisseurs, with its roots firmly planted in Daikanyama.Lift EtageThe "Kashiwa" will be reopening in February. The store has undergone a renovation in the past in order to expand its floor space, but this renovation is even better than that, and is truly aptly described as a "rebirth".


First, the store is organized into four different zones: organic, fashion, artisan, and art. Then, by incorporating artwork by Canadian artist BOCCI, who creates unparalleled lighting with his original ideas and craftsmanship, we have created a luxurious space that brings you even closer to art and provides a special experience. And in the new store, a communication space has been created, where the artists' art books, which have been carefully kept in storage, are laid out and can be picked up in person.

Copy of ANN 18 LOOK

. It seems that a new project called "SHOWCASE" will also be launched. This is a project to introduce wonderful works of art that exist in the world but are not yet known, transcending the boundaries of genres, and to plan events such as designer visits to Japan and artwork exhibits. The first of these events will be held at ,.ANN DEMEULEMEESTER〉.

This is because the brand is one of the brands that Lift Etage has a particularly close relationship with. In fact, on the occasion of the renewal, it was announced that this store will become the flagship store of "Anne Demeulemeester" in Japan.

Lift Etage" has always entertained visitors through the filter of space, transcending the boundaries between fashion and art. As a fashion lover, I can't help but have high expectations for its further enhancement.


Lift étage
Opening date: Friday, February 2, 2018
Address: Address Garden Daikanyama 1F, 16-5 Daikanyamacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3780-0163

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