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A full-length collection by Expansion, using American sewing techniques, is unveiled.

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Based on the concept of "Rather unique 29," the collection for winter 2016 will be a modern interpretation of the essence of work, military, and sports that were once unique to the United States.Expansion〉.

The lookbook was photographed by Erin Patrice O'Brien, a New York-based celebrity photographer who has photographed such luminaries as Erykah Badu, Robin Williams, and Donald Trump.

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The collection includes jackets made in Manhattan from fabrics purchased from overseas, such as Canadian outdoor manufacturers and Italy's Rimonta, as well as cut and sewn in Pennsylvania, knitted in North Carolina, and produced entirely in the U.S.A. The collection is clean yet quirky in its styling. The collection is presented with clean yet quirky styling.

A fascinating lineup created with unique American sewing techniques while reconstructing the history of clothing in the United States in a unique way. The creator's thoughts are spelled out.BlogWhile looking at theOfficial SiteYou may want to check out the

Text_Hiroshi Yamamoto


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